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WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 09:05AM
Travel Alert
Bureau of Consular Affairs

October 03, 2010

The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to the potential for terrorist attacks in Europe. Current information suggests that al-Qa’ida and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks. European governments have taken action to guard against a terrorist attack and some have spoken publicly about the heightened threat conditions. (Read more) [travel.state.gov]

So, now travel to Europe is being discouraged and travel to Mexico is STILL being discouraged - another of these regarding Mexico hit my junk folder running just yesterday...(BTW I am not American why do they have me on their list?)

The questions is WHERE IS IT SAFE to travel? Even if everyone stays home and just goes to work they could still be hit by a bus crossing the street or killed in a freeway pile up...think about it...
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 02:36PM
OFFICIAL WARNING: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada advises against non-essential travel to the border areas between Mexico and the United States, due to continuously high levels of violence linked to drug trafficking in those areas.

Canadians should avoid crossing Mexico’s northern border by land, as shootouts, attacks, and illegal roadblocks may occur at any time. Criminals especially target SUVs and full-size pickup trucks for theft and carjacking along highways of the states of Nuevo LeΓ³n, Tamaulipas, Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Sonora, and Sinaloa. Travellers are advised to reconsider their need to travel by land to or through these border states and should do so only if it is absolutely necessary, and after making appropriate arrangements to ensure their personal safety.

They still go on Nan to caution regarding hurricanes and violence in all areas of Mexico. I am sure it affects business badly and I know that even events like that at Tenatacita have caused travellers concern..not a good thing heh..well, we will be there next friday regardless and just hope i don't get mugged in Vancouver on my way down..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2010 02:37PM by susanmachin.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 03:33PM
As if the dollars at home would really help alleviate the economic collapse? Just hover around the tv and shudder in fear as the world grows more and more constrained! Fear Mongering or protecting citizens?
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 03:43PM
There's a real simple solution to avoid travelling through Mexico's troubled border areas....fly. It's a whole lot less stressfully and amazingly fast.

Personally, I always hated driving through those border crossings, even long before they achieved their current notoriety. I always spent my first day of driving within Mexico getting as much distance between those places and me that I could physically manage.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 04:36PM
Fear mongering gets my vote, next they'll be telling us all the world is flat and if we travel we'll fall off and you know...some of the people will even believe them OMG check this out [theflatearthsociety.org] they're back and taking new memberships since 30th October 2009. Who'd a thunk it?
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 04:40PM
The U.K. issued the warning first, followed by the U.S. and now Japan is considering one. It is over Muslim terrorist information planning an attack in Europe. If an airport blows up the first thing you will hear is "Why didn't we have some warning." Sounds to me like Anti-U.S. sentiment to me. I get junk mail from lonely housewives, horny women, etc. I just delete it, and don't start slamming women. Yes it angers me when someone slams my country when other countries are doing the same thing. I have driven to Mexico for 45 years, seen lots of travel warnings. They make me more aware but doesn't stop me.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 04:50PM
I am anti fear mongering in general and the US is the only country that has ME on their mailing list...so far anyway. When I hear from Canada, the UK, and Japan I'll let you know.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2010 04:52PM by Nan.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 05:25PM
it's true Nan....DH was spot on.....sometimes your anti-US feelings slip out. That is offensive to many people....
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 06:25PM
Yes. Anti-fear mongering. Not anti American/Canadian etc.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 08:00PM
How I may feel about any GOVERNMENT'S foreign policy has nothing at all to do with how I feel about the citizens of said country and I sincerely hope to see ALL of my many good American friends come back down and enjoy Mexico this winter whether their GOVERNMENT thinks they should or not.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 08:27PM
We're packing Nan, we're packing!!! The USA hasn't scared me away yet!

The USA really has no cause to warn people off from visiting other countries...Here is what the UK has to say about the USA!

β€’The hurricane season normally runs from June to November and can affect the whole of the southern USA. See Natural Disasters.
β€’Forest and brush fires (wild fires) are a danger in many dry areas in the US. See General - Wild Fires.
β€’There is a general threat from terrorism in the United States. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers. See Safety and Security - Terrorism .
β€’Around 5.525 million British nationals visited the United States last year (Source: US Department of Homeland Security). See the General - Consular Assistance Statistics. You should be alert to the dangers of car and street crime in cities.

Do I wake up each day thinking any of this is really significant? And all that scary? NO!!!

Which pot is calling which kettle black??
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 08:41PM
Charley states "Fear Mongering or protecting citizens?" In a socialist country like Canada, you pay exhorbitant taxes and in return, the government holds your hand from the moment your born 'til the time you die. We abdicate the responsibility to make our own decisions affecting our lives for that warm feeling that the government knows and decides what is best for us. This is just a misguided attempt at protecting the citizens, like a mother and her helpless babies. Sort of like catering to the lowest common denominator.

Lighten up on Nan and the anti-Americanism. It is a national sport in Canada. We Canadians are so insecure about our identity, we emphasize the differences between us and Americans to promote who we are. It's pathetic. Next time you hear a canucklehead bragging about FREE health care, kick 'em in the nards. Over 100,000 yanks here in Alberta and we embrace them.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 08:41PM
Nan, People do take your comments personal as they think the government is the government of the people.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 10:08PM
Its only personal if it pushes your button then its really about you and not the message. Ignore the messages. We are all Citizens of the World constricted by imaginary ,man made boundries. I am a COW, (guess what that stands for). I make wine and the label is COW, the more you drink the more you know what I mean. The world could be a better place with more COWs.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 10, 2010 10:30PM
I first became aware of travel alerts from the US Embassy in Mexico City in the 90s concerning (according to them) problem areas in Mexico. So, these travel alerts are really nothing new. When I worked in southern Mexico it seemed that every road that I used was on "the list". I never knew what to make of the alerts - I still don't. I just ignored them. I have concluded that these alerts are honest attempts to help U.S. citizens or dishonest attempts to keep tourism home in the US.


Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 05:13AM
You People!
Is what one Canadian said to me one day. He must think because I was born in America I must be grouped has whole with the rest of THEM!
How stupid can ONE get? I don't vote along with about 50% of the population and I'am not ONE of them.
I tell other Americans to leave Canadians alone because they can't even get along with their own people. Why they almost divided their country N2 on the past elections....I have never ever said to a Canadian "YOU PEOPLE"!
Every one has his or her own make-up and should not be judged about the small mindedness of where someone is from on the earth!
Have you all lost your Marbles?
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 05:41AM
From Texas to Arizona to Illinois to Pennsylvania to Louisiana, I have now witnessed, first hand,"THE FEAR" that has been embedded on the street level by a bureaucracy gone wild and a "FOURTH ESTATE" that has abdicated it's power to question. Driving through Austin traffic (wink wink) last nite I said to myself in amazement ------------- "Self, you are a fortunate man that does not have to live like this."

edited to add a "U"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2010 08:02AM by buzzardwest.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 07:42AM
Ok, fact is the U.S. department of state does not send unsolicited emails. Go to their web site, under travel, there is a place to click if you wish to receive updated alerts and warning. Then you have to enter your email address. If you still have the email you received there should be a place to unsubscribe. If you didn't subscribe, someone that knows your email address signed you up for this. If you have problems unsubscribing and still have the email let me know, I will come over today and help you with it. No charge.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 08:28AM
Travel Alerts:

A governments means to divert the attention of the people from its incompetence.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 09:10AM
Willow, a question make makes the sentence a question, not a statement. Intent is to question the warning and what it is in essence not vilify anyone.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 11:15AM
This forum is always fighting over who is better, a American or a Canadian..it's just plain stupid. I like the comment by PJD who claims he is a COW, I want to be a COW too. How many threads have we now on this subject?
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 12:43PM
Charley, the first half of my post was meant to agree with your point of government
protecting it's citizens. The second half was an attempt to
explain my POV on anti-Americanism and not directed
at you. I will work on my clarity in the future.
PS Canada and the US are the 2 best places to live in the world, bar none.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 01:00PM
Are there really people in this day and age who are naive enough to think that any government is " the government of the people." Unelected, unaccountable multinational corporations have grown beyond the control of elected governments and have in fact controlled elections and governments all over the world for decades now. Forget your Canada vs USA arguments and think about who it is that really controls those governments.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 01:44PM
The Mexican Government is reporting that tourism has increased 32%, even after the price increase from last year.

PS to Willow, Canada has never elected a "Socialist Government".
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 05:04PM
I agree with everyone, especially Boudicca's last comment. It is easy to misunderstand with the spoken word and even easier with the written word. 70 percent of communication is conveyed through body language so it stands to reason we are often caught up in petty bickering when this is absent. I'm sorry if I've misconstrued anyone's intended comments.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 05:24PM
charley...you are the living advertisement for the LAP DANCE...

" 70 percent of communication is conveyed through body language "

you're the current barra rascal...
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 06:36PM
Hey, we all have the best government that money can buy, like it or not.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 11, 2010 09:17PM
PS to Willow, Canada has never elected a
"Socialist Government".

PS To Arbon, I don't remember saying that, however, Canada is a Social Democracy. Put another way, its governmental system is considered 'Democratic Socialism'. One of the main tenets is redistribution of wealth through taxation and social welfare and equalization programs and crown corporations. Sound familiar? Being a Libertarian, thats pink enough for me. 'Nuff said. Let's get back to celebrating
the differences between Canadians and Americans.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 20, 2010 03:48AM
"Criminals especially target SUVs and full-size pickup trucks"..heh heh, I guess the narcos wouldn't be very interested in that SmartCar I'm half thinkin of buying. No testosterone value in one of those... they don't carry much "bud", and anyway, the stuff we grow up here is supposed to be better.

...on a more serious note, my first post to the forum. Love Mexico...got serious and married Mexico (a gal from Toluca/DF) and I'm headin south in 10 days. Driven the Guayabitos/Melaque grind many times in my aging VW...but this time I be joining the aluminum overcast courtesy of AA out of YVR.. Just getting to be too big a hassle and expense to drive especially for a (former) single guy. Calculated $1400 return (including paying those thieves and bandits at BC Ferries) vs just under $500 for a bucket seat on AA. Have to admit tho... I do have wheels when I get to Mexico..

...maybe see a few of you for breaky at Roosters during the winter..

Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 20, 2010 11:24PM
One small part of the United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century (aka, A21 or Agenda 21) is to try to keep people from travelling. The news story will say this is because of violence, terrorism, carbon emissions, etc. The truth is that it's easier to track people if they are not travelling. It's easier to ensure their wealth stays in one place. It's easier to intentionally extract their wealth and private property in order to reduce the politically powerful US middle class to nothing. Historically speaking, it is always the middle class of society that overthrows a corrupt govt. Remove the middle class and there will be no revolt.

That way, when it's time to intentionally crash the US dollar, it will be much easier to usher in UN/IMF/World Bank-based legislation such as carbon taxes, codex alimentarius, the Wildlands Project, Smart Growth, etc... as there will be no real resistance.

Our owners are very smart and dedicated people. They are dedicated to power and to controlling the batteries (you and me) that keep them in power.

Enjoy Mexico while you can still travel freely, without much difficulty -- except for being bombarded with cancer-causing radiation from a full body scanner, though you may still opt out of that at the airport, if you aren't afraid of intentional public humiliation.

Such things, as well as news stories, are psychologically designed to do their work on people who don't follow United Nations legislation and long-term world planning (courtesy of the Club of Rome, Club of Budapest, and the Club of Madrid), which would be most people unfortunately.

Please be respectful and don't reply to this post as if you know something about any of this, if you don't. Also please don't reply as if I borrowed thoughts from someone else. What I posted here is the culmination of about 20 years of observation, discussions with people from all walks of life, and very in-depth self-education. Much of the information posted above is in fact public information, for all to read. Much of it appears in the form of official published works that may be read online for free, or purchased. If you don't know about it, it's not because it's not true -- it's because you trust the mainstream news media too much.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2010 09:21AM by Jack Armstrong.
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