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The origin of the name Zipolite, which is sometimes spelled Sipolite or Cipolite, is uncertain but may have come from the Nahuatl word sipolitlan or zipotli, which means bumpy place or place of continuous bumps or hills. This certainly described the topography of the region (and some of the roads as well). Another source reports that the meaning of Zipolite in the Nahuatl language is the beach of the dead or playa de los muertos because of the dangerous ocean currents. Archaeological work done on the east end of the beach tells us that Zipolite has a long history. But for the period up until 1955, only one family lived here.
In the 1960s, Zipolite attracted young countercultural visitors and became known for its bohemian vibe and for its acceptance of nudity on the beach, especially on Playa del Amor at the east end. Public nudity has been illegal in Mexico up until 2016 when Playa Zipolite and Playa del Amor were made legal nude beaches, the only ones in Mexico. Before that, officials just looked the other way. Zipolite has attracted visitors from around the world and still does. Accommodations were basic and economical. As these visitors aged and returned with more pesos to spend, the accommodations adapted and improved. Zipolite now features some upscale restaurants as well as the more economical options. Visitors of all ages are now found on Zipolite beach.
Zipolite does not have a bank but I believe there is a money exchange. There are two ATMs on Roca Blanco. Nearest bank is in nearby Puerto Angel. Some restaurants and accommodations now accept Visa. See the note on Currency. (10/17)
WARNING: There have been a few armed robberies in Zipolite and on the road between Zipolite and Puerto Angel. Visitors should take precautions. A serious incident occurred some time ago at the Piña Palmera rehabilitation center which is described in their March 1996 Newsletter. I have not received incident reports in recent years but I cannot guarantee that dangers have been eradicated.
Tourists hiking north along the coast from Zipolite beach have been robbed. Robbers target tourists carrying backpacks that may contain valuables. Locals set a trap and caught some of these individuals, but caution is suggested. It is recommended that when hiking on remote beaches in Mexico that you do not carry valuables or appear to have valuables. This is old news as well, but the recommendation still applies. Hotels generally have 24-hour security to protect guests. Recent years have seen a reduction in crime. (10/17)
Past Events:   Zipolite was hard hit on October 7, 1997 by Pauline, a category 4 hurricane. Pauline made landfall here with 180 mph gusts and 10-meter waves. There were no deaths in Zipolite. See Damage Reports and photos. Most of the heavily damaged hotels and restaurants were rebuilt and are back in service. Nearby Piña Palmera was also heavily damaged. Then on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 21, 2001, there was a huge fire at the Zipolite beach. There has been rebuilding since this event also.
See More Photos.
See Aerial Photos of Zipolite.

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The large Zipolite beach is located a couple of miles west of Puerto Angel. The sand is composed of medium sized grains. There are numerous small restaurants and places to stay on and near the beach. The strong undertow in this area can make it dangerous for swimming--too much wave action for snorkeling, too. There are paid lifeguards attending two stations along the beach and this has reduced the number of regular drownings. The main section of the beach in Zipolite is called Roca Blanca, named for the bird-poop covered rock just offshore. (10/17)
Playa del Amor is a small beach at the east end of Zipolite that is popular as a clothing-optional beach. Playa Camarón is a rocky cove at the west end of Zipolite behind Shambala.
Nudity is accepted (though not legal) on Zipolite beach but is not welcomed in the restaurants. Nudity is more common on Playa del Amor, just west of Zipolite.
Marijuana use is illegal although mostly accepted, but police patrol the beach lightly and there is a $200 peso fine for smoking on the beach.
Playa de Camarón is located in a small cove just west of Zipolite.
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Hotels and Restaurants
Hoteles y Restaurantes
Additional accommodations are available in San Agustinillo to the west and Puerto Angel to the east.
There are numerous places to eat and stay and the prices are low. Accommodations tend to be small and basic. Most accommodations have 24-hour security. Following is a list of mostly restaurant establishments. Many also have rooms for rent. For years, Zipolite did not have telephones and it is still customary for visitors to arrive without reservations. Now there are telephones and internet service. Christmas/New Year's and Easter week are the only times when it may be difficult to find a room. If you have telephone numbers or email addresses that are not listed here, please send them to me tom@tomzap.com. (10/17)
- 3 de Diciembre (958) 584-3157. Pizzeria with vegetarian dishes, pozole, and confections. Recommended. (9/09)
- El Alquimista (958) 587-8961. Located near Shambhala. Restaurant and cabañas. Large servings, low prices, best in Zipolite. Pizza, pasta, salads, seafood, chicken, steaks. Recommended. Email: info@el-alquimista.com (12/15)
- El Arcoiris Calle del Amor. (958) 584-3383. 3 rooms with double beds, 1 room with two double beds (shared bathroom). 1 suite with Sky, kitchen, bathroom and a balcony. Restaurant with wireless internet. (8/07)
looking over the ocean
- Arcoveis - Artesanias Bazaar
- Cabañas Aris US$11/person. Restrooms are so-so.
- Buen Vento Restaurant, large bar, wood pizza oven, pastas, salad, large screen TV, movies on Sunday nights, palm trees. Recommended, but one report of tiny portions. (2/09)
- Las Casitas Located between Lo Cosmico and Shambhala at the far west end, a couple of blocks back from the beach. Bungalows with private baths (though not necessarily connected to the room), comfortable beds, kitchenettes, solar-powered, in a wooded setting. Restaurant. US$18 and up low season, $23 and up high season. Bring a flashlight. US$33. info@lascasitas.net. (12/08)
- Castillo Oasis (958) 106-1763. Calle del Amor #97. English, Spanish and German spoken. Attractive, comfortable accommodations, reasonably priced. castillooasis@web.de. (10/07)
- La Choza (958) 584-3190. Av. Principal s/n, Col Roca Blanca. Excellent restaurant but not as inexpensive as in the past. Hammock $3, room with bath US$15. menu (3/05)
- Lo Cosmico Lo Cósmico, Aptdo. postal 36, 70900 Pochutla, Oaxaca, Mexico. admin@locosmico.com - restaurant and cabañas. US$13 double. The restaurant serves crepes and is recommended. (1/11)
- Luz del Sol budget rooms US$1-16, great hammocks and vegetarian meals overlooking the ocean. (7/17)
- Casa Mazunte House Rentals Homes and Bungalows available for rent in Mazunte, San Agustinillo, Zipolite and Puerto Angel. laurakateruiz@gmail.com (10/13)
- El Eclipse Rooms and restaurant. Not very popular. (1/11)
- Estrella de Mar (958) 584-3446. 3-story white hotel on beach. (12/15)
- Cabañas la Habana Colorful cabañas on stilts for up to 5 people. Restrooms are so-so. (12/15)
- Lola's-Lino (958) 584-3162, (958) 584-3201. lolaslinozipol@gmail.com. Rooms with private bath. Double for US$25 in 2014. (12/15)
- La Loma Linda located in Zipolite centro, on a hill on north side of Hwy 175. Spacious bungalows overlooking the beach, sunsets, Feldenkrais and yoga classes, yoga retreats and relaxation. Recommended. info@lalomalinda.com. (12/15)
- Lyoban (958) 584-3177. Located in the center of town near the church. Hammocks and rooms. Email: lyoban@prodigy.net.mx. US$21 with bath. (12/15)
- Hotel Neptuno (958) 584-3219. Located near the center of Zipolite beach. 22 rooms, 3 suites with balcony, ocean view and A.C.
Bar and restaurant service. US$40. contacto@hotelneptunozipolite.mx (12/15)
- Pacha Mama (958) 106-6164. Calle los Mangle, one block from the beach. - Italian restaurant with rooms. Excellent food. (12/15)
- Piedra de Fuego (958) 100-9234. Calle Mangla. Seafood restaurant, good aguas. Open 3-11pm. Recommended. (12/15)
- Posada Brisas Marina (958) 584-3193. Rooms have fans, screens, wi-fi, bathrooms, balconies with hammocks. Owner, Daniel, is American and speaks English. US$15-45/night. brisamarina@Prodigy.net.mx (10/11)
- Posada Dos Estrellas Middle of the beach. Rooms, restaurant, bar, volley-ball. US$15 with bathroom and ocean view. English, Spanish, and French spoken. posada.dos.estrellas@hotmail.com (5/12)
- Posada Kiko (958) 584-3176. Andador Tabachin. Hammocks and rooms. Simple, economical. Lupe@Diwanistan.net (12/15)
- Posada Mexico (958) 584-3194. Middle of the beach. Hotel with restaurant. Clean, in suite bathrooms, futons, mosquito nets. One of the nicest on the beach. US$39. Restaurant features Italian chefs, brick oven pizza, happy hour 5pm to 10:30pm. Open for breakfast and dinner, closed Wednesdays. Recommended. info@posadamexico.com (12/15)
- Posada San Cristobal (958) 584-3020. Calle Roca Blanca. Okay rooms. US$20 for a double (3/08). Okay restaurant with nice view, popular for breakfast and lunch. posadasancristobal@gmail.com (12/15)
- La Providencia (formerly Casa Mixtli). (958) 100-9234. Located on a back street on the west end of Zipolite in the Roca Blanca area. Serving contemporary food, e.g. Coconut Shrimp In Mango Sauce, Fresh Tuna Or Beef Medallions & Stuffed Chillies. Popular, dinner reservations advised. Recommended. Closed during the summer. laprovidencia@zipolite.com (12/15)
- Taqueria El Delfín On the main street. 3 for 20 pesos. Recommended. Photo. (2/09)
- La Termita best pizza around. (8/17)
- A Nice Place on the Beach Bar-Restaurant located on the beach in the central area. Serves breakfast and lunch and has a small hotel and bar. A special Canadian breakfast includes a thick bacon with coffee, toast, potatoes, and eggs. (12/15).

Cazulita de Mariscos at La Choza menu
- Bar la Puesta Av. Pelicano. a favorite night spot, behind Tepozue
- Shambhala
Fax: (958) 584-3151 or (958) 584-3153. shambhalavision@lycos.com A Zipolite fixture since 1972, located on the west end past the rocks. Hammocks, rooms, and cabañas, communal bathrooms. Vegetarian food. Casa De Gloria, Playa Zipolite, Puerto Angel, Apto. Postal 68, Pochutla, Oaxaca, Mexico 70900. photo
- Solstice Mexico at Loma Linda. Mail: Apdo #18, Puerto Angel, Pochutla, Oax. 70902 Mexico. info@solstice-mexico.com Bungalows, Yoga classes and workshops, gated, safety boxes in rooms. Recommended. (10/02)
- Villa Escondida Located in the hills of Zipolite near the beach. Hostal, communal kitchen, laundry, bungalows with private kitchen. info@villaescondida2002.com. High speed internet and WiFi. Recommended. (12/15)
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- Festival Nudista Zipolite Held annualy on the first weekend in February on Playa Zipolite.
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Tour Operators, Outfitters
Operadores Turísticos, Proveedores
- Ola Verde Expediciones Adventure company specializing in rafting and kayaking. Coffee plantation tours, kayak lessons, custom trips. olaverdeinfo@gmail.com. (2/11)
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Miscellaneous |
- Centro Mexicano de la Tortuga is located a few miles west of Zipolite on Carretera a Zipolite at Bahía Mazunte. Numerous varieties of live turtles and fish are on display, as well as photos and other exhibits. Efforts are being made to reestablish the once plentiful area turtle population. Guided tours. Nominal admission fee. Recommended.
- Of Turtles and Things an article from the Mexican Meanderings newsletter, .
- Link to A Wave of Change Inundates Zipolite by John Tarleton.
- Casa del Sol and Zipolnet Internet access. Owned by Emir Villanueva, emirabraham@hotmail.com, emir@vissionsd.com.mx.
- Piña Palmera -- rehabilitation center and school for handicapped children is located on hwy 175, or behind Morgan de la Laguna from the beach. They have a basic but functional open-air gym that they use for rehabilitation which is available to the public. Fee is 5 pesos which goes towards maintenance and improvements to the gym.
- Visitors' Comments on Zipolite
- Ying & Yang Bicycle and scooter shop. Paco. (3/05)
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