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Might I point out that when you buy a piece of Tina's art, you are not only buying a unique and beautiful work of a true artist, but you are also supporting a fine human being.by por johnzap - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
If I can ever spare a few moments, I've got some pretty good nightshots of Zipo from Shambala to post, as well as some sunsets with the Shambala rockscapes in the foreground. Keep your eyeballs peeled. When I was there in March, Gloria was in Oaxaca for a knee replacement. How is her rehab going?by por johnzap - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
how about a really good hammock for 200p? Coralina is more available than coral negro. Hey, you're helping feed the inmates and their families. I was there in March. You will be frisked.by por johnzap - Puerto Angel
I never found a dead spot for my 'droid in Zipolite, San Augustinillo, nor Mazunte. There's plenty of WiFi, but the codes change regularly, so be prepared to buy a cup of coffee or a beer.by por johnzap - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
Hope I'm not too late. Palapa Alejandro has a couple of newly-finished rooms for rent monthly. But they're far from the only ones. Hey, if they rent nightly, they'll rent monthly. No owner likes empty rooms.by por johnzap - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
Tourist verges on being a dirty word. Tourists let the Rick Perry's of the world scare them out of travel to Mexico. You're looking for "Travelers", not "Tourists." Just spent 3 wks there, two compelled by a broken rib. Take a shower mat. Prices will be jacked up for Semana Santa next week; it'll be dead after that. May and June tend to be the hottest months ofby por johnzap - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
On my last day at Zipolite last week, my companion decided on El Alquemisto, an upscale beach eaterie at the Shambala end of the beach. On the way in, my extremely docile English Setter, Sweet Sadie Sue the Surfing Setter was run over and bitten by a large Rottweiler with absolutely no provocation. The owner did get his Rottie under control. My appetite was gone, but Laura had an incredible raw tby por johnzap - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
"Most horrible...in history?" Aren't we being a bit hyperbolic? Or are you a Holocost denier? Then again, Pol Pot's government shredded a lot of Cambodians; Stalin's purge after purge after purge; Mao's Cultural Revolution; those smallpox-tainted blankets we gave the Indians rank up there somewhere; check Nauatl speakers about their view of the Inquisition and otherby por johnzap - Off-Topic Forum
However, I have no editor nor litterary contract; there is no copywrite; you are welcome to the terminology. If you are honor-bount to attribute, the name is John Williams. And I've only known Tom for 54 years or so; we didn't meet 'til 1st grade. Nancy wasn't around Georgetown quite that early. Didn't travel in Mexico with Tom 'til about '73, though...by por johnzap - Off-Topic Forum
Nearly had to when bringing gear to open a dive shop coming through Manzanillo headed for Barra. Had to call the "family" that owns the hotels I was working through. Aparently they had sufficient "weight" to make the multi go away...by por johnzap - Off-Topic Forum
Oh, I'm sure Barry would much prefer Eric and the orangeman come by for a tipple rather than "doing whatever is necessary to make President Obama a one-term president" especially since they did not limit themselves to those things which would NOT trash the economy nor cause harm to average Americans - much less restrict themselves to the truth. There is no honor in Washington. Justby por johnzap - Off-Topic Forum
Hard to believe that the usually progressive ex-pat community is wanting to usher the Bush crime family back to the Whitehouse. The Socialist straw man has even been tossed about. Dick Nixon gave us Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Rotten Ronnie Reagan gave us Earned Income Tax Credit - and you call Obama a Socialist? You decry the Individual Mandate in health care - a Republican idea, byby por johnzap - Off-Topic Forum