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Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 04, 2012 08:16PM
Thereby proving my previous link I guess...

Here's another: [www.variety.com]
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 04, 2012 09:39PM
What is hilarious is they have no respect for their own viewers. LOL
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 04, 2012 09:54PM
I can see their ratings fall after that comment! Hahaha LOL!
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 05, 2012 05:14PM
I think the Daily Show and Colbert Report are excellent sources -- during those depressing Bush years, that is all that kept me going.
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 06, 2012 06:18AM
Check out [www.politico.com]. Obama has done a good job of cleaning up the mess left for him to clean up. Getting most of our news from the internet makes it easy to read political news from many sources...lesson learned 7th grade civics class.
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 06, 2012 10:59AM
The raging sage asked about how it feels to be an Obama voter. Looking back I'd say that Hillary would have done a better job standing up to a very freshmen Congress and would have known that compromise wasn't possible with such a lack of congressional leadership. Foreign policy has been about the same, also a disappointment from a leftist point of view and basically mirrors the Bush years. Indeed, the next election hardly matters outside of symbolism and if elected Mitt will govern the country from the center as he did while governor of Massachusetts. Coke versus Pepsi so I'll have a beer...
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 06, 2012 11:15AM
The old flim flam of blame it on the former party gets old and solves nothing. I could go on about what a mess Clinton set forth for Bush to resolve with all the drastic cuts in military spending or how Carter left Reagan a mightmare etc. The ONLY thing I see at this pont is Obama has spent more money and increased the debt more than the last 10 Presidents combined! This is ridiculous! He asks for a trillion dollars the U.S doesnt have as though its a few million! Allowing him into office as the CIC without any foreign policy, military or business experience is a severe mistake that will HAUNT the U.S.A forever! When the next man in line puts the blame on obama it will be justified at least! OMG! NOW! NO MO O! LOL!
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 06, 2012 11:38AM
How can somebody have a decent conversation when you just toss out nonsense?
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 06, 2012 11:53AM
Carter and Clinton reduced the debt, Reagan/Bush and Bush again increased it dramatically and one could argue that Obama has simply continued their global interventionist policies much to the dismay of people like me who put him in office. As for military spending, you can't have it both ways, the Bush wars have cost a lot of money but have enriched the very people Eisenhower warned the country about, namely the miltary industrial complex.

Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 06, 2012 01:18PM
He won't read your silly graph, he's too busy pullin' pork.
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 06, 2012 04:44PM
good one Gallettero! OMG

Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 06, 2012 06:55PM
Sad but true, Edmund Burke is rolling in his grave:

Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 07, 2012 05:38AM
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 07, 2012 08:17AM
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 07, 2012 10:04AM
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 07, 2012 11:39AM
Hard to believe that the usually progressive ex-pat community is wanting to usher the Bush crime family back to the Whitehouse. The Socialist straw man has even been tossed about. Dick Nixon gave us Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Rotten Ronnie Reagan gave us Earned Income Tax Credit - and you call Obama a Socialist? You decry the Individual Mandate in health care - a Republican idea, by the way - but don't seem to realize that we are all paying for the emergency room care of the un- and under-insured, The last "good" Republican president, Teddy Roosevelt, gave us the National Park system and trust-busting. Was that less Socialist? You complain about military changes - who got Bin Laudin? Who's admin has been getting the most out of the drones? W Bush took us into two wars - one just a waste of men and material from the get-go - refused to pay for it - gave tax cuts to the richest, in fact. W deregulated to the point that investment bankers sold mortgage-based derivatives equal to three times the cumulative value of all the world's currency - and then, under Bush, socialized the risk by bailing out the financials at our expense. Welfare to the corporations! And even while getting massive tax cuts, these "job creators" didn't. When Shrub left the Whitehouse, we were hemorrhaging almost a million jobs a month.
You sat "That was Bush, not Romney." But Karl Rove is running the biggest Romney Superpac, Other Bush advisers have positions throughout thr Romney campaign as well as Gingrich's.
So you're not looking at any possible change other than from the frying pan back into the much hotter fire. Am I completely happy with Barry? No, not with so many Bushies not in jail where they should be. We also didn't get single-payer health care, so there's little hope in improving our 37th ranking in healthcare results. The renewed support for Prohibition by the Justice Department is a huge disappointment - but the Repugnicants offer no improvement. But when the Southpark electoral dichotomy comes into play, I'll stick with the douc- uh, demos, rather than the sandwich of sh- I mean, Repugnicants.
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 07, 2012 08:05PM
hey how about that rick santorum. we just won something, but i have to worry about a mix of spunk, lube and fecal material.

at least i do.

i saw ralph nader today and he has it right.

tax what you don't want and give money to what you do want.

dump barry.
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 08, 2012 08:36AM
>> tax what you don't want and give money to what you do want <<

JFTR, Who is "you"?????

IE: WHO makes such (prolific) decisions...... (in your purposed democracy)?

AKA: "1, 2, 3, 4"......! = [www.youtube.com]

Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 08, 2012 01:06PM
Keep the government away from my Medicare! Ha!

US spends 17% GDP on healthcare where single payers spend 10% with universal coverage. But of course a healthy populace has nothing to do with productivity and competiveness. Just like education, who needs it? I wonder how many older conservative voters benefited by the GI Bill and cheap tuition.

You would think the teaparty bunch would admire a country like Germany with a high rate of personal savings, great schools, modern infrastructure and an esteemed manufacturing sector. No, just a bunch of socialists....

But when you have a country where only 15% have passports while getting their "news" from Fox and Rush what can you do?

Poor Adam Smith... so misunderstood.
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 08, 2012 01:23PM
canada loves it from barry. they should ship those pipes to canada and send the oil sand enema to china,it is already a poophole.

hey copper, you forgot about all the oilspill workers who will be out of work. and the speculators and the oilsands by-product market.

Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 08, 2012 01:34PM
>> Poor Adam Smith... so misunderstood <<

Well said......(sadly enough!)! = [www.youtube.com]

Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 10, 2012 01:56PM
PS, Flaco =

Medicare coverage in a nutshell :

The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, 'Hello.'

'Mrs. Sanders, please.'


'Mrs. Sanders, this is Doctor Jones at Saint Agnes Laboratory. When your husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from another Mr. Sanders arrived as well. We are now uncertain which one belongs to your husband. Frankly, either way the results are not too good.'

'What do you mean?' Mrs. Sanders asks nervously.

'Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other one tested positive for HIV. We can't tell which is which.'

'That's dreadful! Can you do the test again?' questioned Mrs. Sanders.

'Normally we can, but Medicare will only pay for these expensive tests one time.'

'Well, then what am I supposed to do NOW?'

β€˜The folks at Medicare recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him.’

Y I K E S......( y suerte)!! = [www.youtube.com]
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 10, 2012 08:04PM
Eno is God... or use to be anyway.
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 11, 2012 07:22AM
Aaaaaaah, TODAVIA amigo....... frequently sharing The Mesospheric Vantage Point with my oooooold art school cohort!! = [www.youtube.com]

And THEN (getting back on topic) there was thankfully Lovely Dr. Laurie...... passing the stethoscope in the late 70s...... after conducting vital (invasive) surgery at CBGB!! = [www.youtube.com]

Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 11, 2012 07:29PM
Obama is like Reagan.

They both inherited a bad economy, kept taxes low, spent more than the budget, and targeted specific bad guys rather than start a war(Obama: Bin Laden, Reagan:Kadafy). They both are good speakers and charismatic. I think they have a lot in common.
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 11, 2012 10:14PM
Definitely debatable delmar definitely debateable. Looking back It may have been better if Reagan had went ahead and put Iran in their place. I cannot stand the medias stupid attempt to overemphasize the strength and abilities of those idiotic Republican Guards who continue to threaten our troops in that region. We heard the same about Iraq until the U.S forces invaded their little sandbox. The very unimpressive cowards ran like scalded dogs. With 3 U.S. Carrier groups in the region and plenty highly trained troops and equipment next door its something between a crime and a sin to not clean those savages up now and give them an honorable chance to surrender 7 times a day while they have their butts in the air! Maybe we can get a strong CIC in office BEFORE those lunatics acquire nuclear potential. No need to risk ground forces and occupation. Let the bombs, missles and drones do the work! Sit back and enjoy! At least this is wishful thinking! LOL!
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 11, 2012 10:31PM
Saw Laurie and Lou two summers ago in Coney Island leading the Mermaid Parade... she looked thrilled, he looked bored as always.

Interesting analogy Delmar... one big difference is Ronnie loved to have Tip come by the oval office where they'd open a bottle of Scotch and make deals. Talk about old school...
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 12, 2012 12:47PM
Nice point Delmar. It would logically seem that Reagan could not be nominated in this atmosphere. Just like Nixon he would be way to liberal for the Teabaggers and the CPAC crowd. Reagan more than doubled the national debt incurred during the whole history of the United States let alone the numerous tax hikes he called for.
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 13, 2012 07:21AM
Puerto Bill Wrote:
> [i1259.photobucket.com]
> ebtgraph.jpg

You can make statistics say whatever you want them to say. Posting this kind of thing does not accomplish much. LOL!
Re: For U.S. Citizens - 2012 Election Cycle Begins Now
February 13, 2012 05:46PM
The Executive Branch gets far too much credit (or blame). Most of the "stuff" happens in Congress (the Legislative Branch).

Blindly arguing for either party shows...errrr, how do I put it nicely...well I can't put it nicely. The game is rigged folks. Both parites are owned by K Street.

Man, I just sounded like an Occupier...I'm not...I just know how DC really works (and it really stinks). It's not too late to change. Vote for City Council, vote for County seats, vote in State elections, vote in Federal elections!!! Change can only occur if we particiapate. Voter apathy allows the status quo.
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