The city of Zaachila is named for the Zapotec ruler, Zaachila Yoo, who ruled the region in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. Zaachila is one of the few Mixtec-Zapotec capitals that was still inhabited at the time of the Spanish Conquest. Zaachila was an important center during the time from 1200 to 1521 A.D. The archaeological site is located near the center of the present day city on a hilltop next to the Church of the Virgen de Juquila. The site is open every day from 8 am to 6 pm. There is an entrance fee.
Unrestored main piramid at Zaachila |
After entering the site, the caretaker opens the two tombs for the visitors' inspection. |
See More Photos of the tombs and the archaeological site.