| Zapotec |
 | Cuicatec |
 | Chinantec |
 | Nahua |
 | Chatino |
 | Mazatec |
 | Huave |
 | Chontal de Oaxaca |
 | Mixtec |
 | Ixcatec |
 | Zoque |
 | Amuzgo |
 | Chocho |
 | Mixe |
| |
Return to History of the Region.
Get a taste of Oaxacan culture, see Food of the Gods.
Total Populations of the
above Indigenous Speaking
People in the Country of
This is according to a 1990
census of people ages 5
and over by the Instituto
de Estadística, Geografía
e Informática (INEGI). |
Amuzgo 28,228
Chatino 28,987
Chinantec 103,942
Chocho 12,553
Chontal de Oaxaca 2,232
Cuicatec 12,677
Huave 11,955
Ixcatec 1,220
Mazatec 168,374
Mixe 95,264
Mixtec 383,544
Náhuatl 1,197,328
Zapotec 380,690
Zoque 43,160
Total Indigenous _________
in Mexico 5,282,347