Road Signs
 | Las Señales |
Ceda el paso | Yield right of way |
Circulación (with single arrow) | One-way traffic |
Conceda cambio de luces | Dim your lights for oncoming traffic |
Conserve su derecha | Keep to the right |
Cruce de escolares | School crossing |
Crucero peligro | Dangerous intersection |
Curva peligrosa | Dangerous curve |
Desviación | Detour |
Disminuya su velocidad | Reduce your speed |
Doble circulación | two-way traffic |
No deje piedras sobre el pavimento | Don't leave rocks on the pavement |
(Rocks are often stacked on the pavement to warn of a broken down vehicle stopped in the road ahead. When the vehicle is repaired, the rocks are often left in place.) |
No rebase con raya continua | Do not pass where there is a solid line |
No tire basura | Do not throw trash |
Obedías las señales | Obey the signs |
Parada | Bus stop |
Puente en constructión | Bridge under construction |
Tramo en reparación | Section under repair |
Zona de derrumbes | Landslide area |