It's a great day trip. Take the bus to the Oxxo then either a taxi or camineta from there.by Frijole Contador - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
We like Casa Arnel at 500 pesos per night.by Frijole Contador - City of Oaxaca
We felt nothing and haven't found anyone else who did either.by Frijole Contador - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
We'll be in Oaxaca for a few days and have read mixed reviews of the Marco Polo Restaurant. It's listed on Tomzap as the best breakfast in Oaxaca but someone on Trip Adviser said the coffee is instant. Has anyone been there recently?by Frijole Contador - City of Oaxaca
We've been to Pochutla, Huatulco, and Puerto Escondido and have not been able to find quality bathroom light fixtures. Can someone suggest a store in Oaxaca that might carry quality light fixtures? Thanks in advance.by Frijole Contador - City of Oaxaca
Yes, there are tourists here however it's been a fairly quiet season. The biggest recent news is the palapa fire yesterday at La Termita. Luckily it was extinguished before neighboring roofs also caught fire. Most of the hotel rooms in Mazunte are still on or near the beach. There are now more places to stay out near Mermejita beach. Mazunte tends to be very noisy at night. San Agustinby Frijole Contador - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
Hmmm...facts and reason vs. fear and intolerance. I'm not wasting much time following the GOP primaries!by Frijole Contador - Off-Topic Forum
Check out . Obama has done a good job of cleaning up the mess left for him to clean up. Getting most of our news from the internet makes it easy to read political news from many sources...lesson learned 7th grade civics class.by Frijole Contador - Off-Topic Forum
I'm looking for a basic portable sewing machine. Does anyone have one they want to sell or know where I could buy one?by Frijole Contador - Zipolite - Mazunte - Agustinillo - Ventanilla
I have an appointment in Oaxaca City on Thursday. Does anyone know the condition of Hwy 175 from the coast to Oaxaca? Thanks in advance.by Frijole Contador - San José del Pacifico
I have an appointment in Oaxaca City on Thursday. Does anyone have any information regarding the condition of Hwy 175 between the coast and Oaxaca? Thanks in advance.by Frijole Contador - City of Oaxaca