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Gary Larson aside ... todays selection is quite good.. Here are a few tidbits of useful information: Kaspersky What th...why this? A Russian based company no less and in the poisoned geopolitical climate of the day...it's a legit company with their servers in Switzerland... been around for a very long time. Why? For me because it's the best hands down... it misses NOTHIby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
... it's likely all over... a 'debris field' has been located....these are high risk trips... it seems this one didn't go well. Chances of a successful rescue at those depths are slim to none... The finger pointing has already begun, and the lawyers are salivating. "OceanGate says they believe submersible crew lost at sea....Debris field found near Titanic wreckageby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
...didn't know that Spool... as soon as I hear of organized religion of any kind or form getting mixed up in civic politics my blood runs cold. Church and State must remain separate entities... always.by por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
.... you could rent a car in Canada for $15 a weekend? We had such illustrious brands as Thrifty, Budget and Rent-a-Wreck... well nothing is budget now.... Thinking of returning home to visit family and flying back, I looked into renting a car for a week at the Victoria Airport.... the cheapest vehicle, a Chevy Spark is an eye watering CA $850 a week plus gas and tax. A Dodge Caravan, really aby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
"Has the protest conflict over the Emergency Act limited safe return to Canada?" ... there was no protest over the Emergency Act, the Emergency Act was activated because of the protest.... that has been rescinded.. so unless you own or maybe owned a semi that was parked on Parliament Hill over the past month or so, you'll probably pass the greasy eyeball of Canada Customs and Imby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
I knew this was coming, but go ahead... come up with a better reason. Let the trolling begin "As for segregation from the Yee Haws, that happens naturally as they canβt handle anyone that isnβt in their cultist echo chamber." ...good grief, another pointless post that adds nothing to the discussion... now that comment makes no sense whatsoever..talk about the pot calling the keby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
Monte... looking at the two graphs depicting COVID infection rates in Canada and Mexico... the difference is significant. Why?? Canada is a national prison while Mexico never really shut anything down and the borders have been and are wide open... you just drive in as I did just three weeks ago. So why the difference? Lemme GUESS and yes it's just an semi-educated guess.... Mexicoby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
... arrested for carrying a machete in Canada . ... a second unrelated incident... it's considered carrying a weapon in Canada, and that's an indictable offense where you can go straight to jail without bail. Not Fiction... as I said it's a tale of three (very different) cultures.by por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
... today a gentleman walked into Ava's with a machete.. he sat down and ordered a michalada, chatted with staff, waved to the cops as they drove by... nothing out of the ordinary. In Canada the cops would have been called, him shot or if lucky arrested, a week long trial costing half a million dollars in legal fees and court costs. him found guilty of some nasty charge. sent to jail forby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
"On the other hand I do not know of a single Canadian who has been infected by Covid-19 !" ... I am Canadian, and I got COVID last August... ....just sayin... Can finally smell the good stuff again. "You should still wear a mask and keep to social distancing." ...maybe but... ...been down to the jardine around 10pm lately?by por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
"From what I have read, the Pfizer gives the best over all protection".... me thinks you answered your own question if peace of mind is all you need. . For the rest of us... if only one option is offered... take it. The only issue is after the first vaccine shot, if possible wait the 12 to 15 weeks for the second shot. There is evidence that the efficacy, particularly of the AstraZby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
... to illustrate how crazy this AstraZenaca vaccine blood clot issue has become.. and to put the madness into some perspective ...by por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
.... more click bait hype and misinformation... the devil is in the details. The Maryland facility in question is in the USA, and makes vaccines primarily for the USA market. In fact it was specifically purchased by the USA government solely for the purpose of providing for the domestic market. Mexico has been buying their vaccines from overseas because the Americans had forbidden the exportby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
...."BTW, I suspect that 4 month gap in Canada will get significantly reduced by June or July" ... about the space between first and second (and maybe third for variants) shots... the big pharma shot spacing timeline was basically a rabbit out of a hat guesstimation based on previous experience with other vaxx routines.. it was not a studied issue. mostly because there wasn't tiby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
"The first thing they told me when I got my first dose was that the risk for getting Covid is slightly decreased" Mostly False. Fake or misleading news..."COVID risk is slightly reduced" only during that short period of time after you are FIRST building antibodies after the shot; courtesy of the vaccine. The risk of getting COVID after getting your first shot, AND after yoby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
Best news I've heard all day....Facebook is an addictive evil...and I'm long ago goneby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
.... and you wonder why I never use a smart phone...except for the occasional phone call, their original purpose I suppose, yes I owned a Nokia 101... these Arabic sultans, really tin pot dictators with a lot of money who wanna keep tabs and potentially eliminate any potential opposition to their absolute rule... to wit the Kashoggi incident..and chopped up body parts hustled out the back door ofby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
"What I find puzzling and amusing is why so many Canadians that live in Mexico are so concerned with United States politics. (This is not directed to you personally)" Becuz what happens in the Excited States of Trumpistan affect us Canadians greatly... it's about individuals and families passing borders, trade, which makes up a significant portion of the Canadian economy... andby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
Rake Fetish??... that's a new one, what strange things do folks do with rakes behind closed doors? Whips and rakes for Doms n subs? ...me thinks it was the caravan folks charging the USA border and caused all the fuss and the border was closed both ways in and out of that made great again Estados Unidos . ... it was tear gas galore... will lead be flying next?by por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
...... in the art of the deal it's, 'united we stand divided we fall'. ...well...Canada fell. Big Reason: Trudeau refuses to budge on dairy quotas. Funny thing is for all the posturing, all this is meaningless to the average Canadian consumer. Does anyone think a pound of Wisconsin LakeLand butter would be but a penny cheaper in Canada than Canadian Lucerne? (both sold by Safeby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
Two years ago we took CA 210 off I-5 toward I-10 and Palm Springs and Riverside at 4AM in the morning.. almost gridlock with semi's... going down the Grapevine toward 99 and Bakersfield... solid 2 lines to the horizon of bumper to bumper semi's at midnight, many carrying COSCO containers (Chinese imports) heading east... not so many cars... mostly semi's.. just blew me away the conby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
Isla... if you go up Oak Street to the top of the hill from the ferry... there is a fine old manor house, second oldest in town has long history, once the mill managers house, and for 20 years or so, 1897 or so till WW1, perhaps after was the town's bawdy house complete with the madam that owned it. She and the girls serviced the guys who worked in the old sawmill, these were the days beforeby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
... we hear ya Peter, but you must like the heat....... in July Lillooet: 40.6 C Previous record high: 39.7 C in 2012..and your buddies just down the road in Lytton hit almost 42.. that's a tad toasty even for me and even if it is a 'dry heat'... for the same reasons as you I lived on the Island... Nanaimo finally settling down in Chemainus.. a nice quiet town full of snotty-ol-Briby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
....Dave, your talking the Snake River Jump? ...oh gawd that took a lotta guts.by por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
de Sol.. ..you can't talk about pussies here...β¦β¦β¦.what are you, Donald Trump? LOL... good one ....kinda figgered someone would pick up on the PUSSY-cat bit and maybe put an ...ahem ..grab em by the pu&#&@*....political spin to it.. ....de Mort, trolling the dawg daze of summer....someone please pass me another margarita !! .. oops... .breaking news, this just in... (insby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
"Let's keep partisan foreign politics off here." OK boss.... " I just looove Caada's soft furry pussycats, purrrrrrr, aren't they cute?" ... it that tame enough, non-political and non partisan enough for you?by por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
...sweet, have the feeling this wasn't the place to be if your name's Billy-Bob or Bubba the die-hard Republican Trump supporter.. America.. you reap what you sow... it's gonna be an interesting 4 years. ...back to watching gunfights on the street corner ..de Mort in Cancunby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum
"The Mexican peso was down over 12% against the dollar to as low as 20.75 after having rallied to as high as 18.16 earlier in the evening"...this kind of instability is downright scary... 12% change in the value in just a few hours... and it isn't over yet kiddies. Canadian dollar is in lockstep at over 15 nowby por MortimerSnerd - Off-Topic Forum