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Finally getting jabbed

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Finally getting jabbed
April 01, 2021 05:56PM
They are now down to 1949'ers in BC, I get my Pfizer or Moderna shot next week. Oddly enough my Mexican partner who is 10 years younger got the Pfizer in Santa Ana, Sonora 3 weeks ago. my brother in Law in Bucerias is refusing the Sinovac. He is 65 and is thinking of flying back to BC, once the arrival restrictions are eased.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 02, 2021 06:11AM
telcoman Wrote:
> They are now down to 1949'ers in BC, I get my
> Pfizer or Moderna shot next week. Oddly enough my
> Mexican partner who is 10 years younger got the
> Pfizer in Santa Ana, Sonora 3 weeks ago. my
> brother in Law in Bucerias is refusing the
> Sinovac. He is 65 and is thinking of flying back
> to BC, once the arrival restrictions are eased.

49'er... Got my Moderna on Feb 4th for numero uno, and Feb 29 for numero dos. Tacoma Wa. I just saw last night that Canada is at %1.7 vaccinated. WTF?
Buena Salud
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 02, 2021 06:27AM
Canada...11.86% Kip. You must have read outdated information.
You are correct regarding Canadians who have received 2 injections.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2021 06:29AM by Nancy M.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 02, 2021 07:59AM
I got my shot yesterday at a pharmacy in BC. It’s the astra zenica but I don’t care as long as I have something in my arm. BC is doing all 55 to 65 years at the pharmacies and I am on the high end of that age group. My husband was also born in 1949 and he gets his next week at the government site. Yipppppeeee. Of course that does not mean we can let our guard down for some time to come.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 02, 2021 08:19AM
The Canadian government privatized our vaccine producing companies during the Reagan/Mulroney years. Those companies then moved offshore or were sold off to foreign companies, leaving us with no capacity to produce our own vaccines. Huge mistake and it accounts for Canada being behind. The government is now scrambling to re-establish that capacity but it wont help this time, but hopefully we wont be caught with our pants down when the next pandemic comes along
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 02, 2021 04:43PM
Important to keep on top of vaccines risks before and after the jabs.
It is still a roll of the dice.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 02, 2021 05:53PM
There are clear indications not to be too confident about getting inoculated.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 02, 2021 11:17PM
The first thing they told me when I got my first dose was that the risk for getting Covid is slightly decreased but by no means does the vaccine mean you will not get Covid. They did say that what the vaccine does do it decrease the risk of winding up in the hospital or worse the ICU and they stressed under no circumstances to stop following the CDC guidelines. I think masks and social distancing are with us for a long time to come.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 03, 2021 08:43AM
Nancy M Wrote:
> Canada...11.86% Kip. You must have read outdated
> information.
> You are correct regarding Canadians who have
> received 2 injections.
> [health-infobase.canada.ca]

It was on one of those rolling news feed ticker tapes at the bottom of a TV screen. They must have been referring to the completion of fully vaccinated two-shots?
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 03, 2021 09:16AM
"The first thing they told me when I got my first dose was that the risk for getting Covid is slightly decreased"

Mostly False. Fake or misleading news..."COVID risk is slightly reduced" only during that short period of time after you are FIRST building antibodies after the shot; courtesy of the vaccine. The risk of getting COVID after getting your first shot, AND after you have built up antibodies over a 12 week period is significantly reduced... not slightly reduced. With the second shot your level of protection goes up again and significantly, but no you are not 100% protected, you never will be and if you want that l00% level of protection... go live in a mountain top cabin. After vaccination, even those few who do contract the virus. they do not get deathly sick and die.

Once most are vaccinated, managing COVID will become much like managing the yearly Flu infections. often also corona viruses quite similar to COVID... and assuming variants appear from time time over the years, which is quite likely... all viruses tend to mutate over time.. that's how they stay ahead of the game.

Quit reading the bullshit on Facebook.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2021 09:21AM by MortimerSnerd.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 03, 2021 09:30AM
MortimerSnerd Wrote:
> Quit reading the bullshit on Facebook.

Words to live by. I struggle.

Regarding your comment "Once most of us are vaccinated", if you ignore facebook and ask for a show of hands here on TZ or even in my home town Tacoma liberal enclave.... I don't know that we'll ever get there to the %80 or whatever the latest herd immunity guesstimation says.

And to the overall Corona virus family of illnesses, I heard an interesting NPR science podcast where they're working on a universal mRna vaccine that could blanket cover everything. My guess is there will always still be the 666 mark-of-the-devil doubters out there.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 05, 2021 10:49AM
I'm 63 and got my AZ shot at Costco Burnaby on April 1st....very happy about that.

Vax rates per nation/province can be subject to POV to some degree. If you have received your first shot you will gain a high degree of protection within a week or two but some commentators/media, particularly on the right end of the political spectrum, will reference only those who have received both shots to make the situation appear more dire.

While those with both shots certainly enjoy a higher level of protection, getting shot #1 into as many people as possible as fast as possible will have a huge effect on the infection rate.

There is no doubt that the US vax rate is much higher than Canada's, and you can argue all you want about why that is, but Canada's rate, which provincial gov'ts have a factor in (I'm hearing Ontario has 3/4 million doses in storage for some reason), is speeding up quickly. Although I wish it were faster, I keep thinking it was all of 54 weeks ago I was a ZLO flying home well before my planned return, and here I am with my first vaccination done....pretty amazing stuff if you think about it.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 06, 2021 10:36AM
yeah one shot gives you almost as much protection as 2 from what I have read. I think most people are happy just to feel assured they won't end up in hospital or die of it. The big question is will the US allow people across the border with only one shot, once it re-opens. I expect to get a second one before September, but I really want to drive down in Fall, if I can. I am still waiting for a Westjet refund from last Fall after they cancelled my flight.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 06, 2021 10:38AM
BTW, I suspect that 4 month gap in Canada will get significantly reduced by June or July
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 06, 2021 12:45PM
...."BTW, I suspect that 4 month gap in Canada will get significantly reduced by June or July"

... about the space between first and second (and maybe third for variants) shots... the big pharma shot spacing timeline was basically a rabbit out of a hat guesstimation based on previous experience with other vaxx routines.. it was not a studied issue. mostly because there wasn't time. the whole 12-14 week spacing issue has evolved over time with antibody level tests at 6 weeks and then during the various weeks later and it was found with the COVID vaccines, peak antibody levels occur at a later time than was first supposed. Getting my second shot in June; 12 or 14 weeks later after the first will be just fine with me because serious study has now shown that the 12 week spread is most beneficial and creates the best vaccine efficacy against COVID...it just took some time.. something they didn't have enough of when the vaccines first rolled out.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 07, 2021 02:42PM
interesting, i suspect 12 weeks is about what it will end up being in Canada.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 07, 2021 03:24PM
That sounds like good news. I think as time goes on and more info is available we will be fine with the interval. Kind of can see new info coming out as yes they did not really have too much time to study things. They just wanted to the vaccine out there. Let’s hope these new variants we will still be somewhat protected. They are the scary part now.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 07, 2021 08:08PM
they just said on the news tonight it will probably be more like 2-2.5 months
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 08, 2021 04:34PM
What brand of shots are being injected here locally in Melaque, Barra, Cihuatlan and Manzanillo?
It would be nice to know what is going to live with me.
Seems there are very different values and risks involved.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 08, 2021 09:26PM
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 10, 2021 10:21AM
British Columbia is finally catching up on their covid vaccinations. In the Fraser Vally anyone 55+ can now get their first shot. About time.
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 10, 2021 01:34PM
got moderna yesterday, wife is thursday
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 10, 2021 04:46PM
Does anybody know anything important about the two "wild variants"
B.1.1.7 coming from the UK
and B.1.2 coming from the USA?
Re: Finally getting jabbed
April 11, 2021 08:33AM
Where near Melaque can we get it?
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