Oaxaca City is very safe. We spend a lot of time there and have never had any problems. Like any place crimes do occur there but I feel perfectly safe walking around alone. According to the U.S. State Department the Fortin Hill area should be avoided but again, we've walked there many times with no problems. Taxi's are plentiful and cheap. Oaxaca is a beautiful city and the people are wonderful. Enjoy!
We just came back from the Zocalo and everything is normal and peaceful. i have been coming to Oaxaca for over 20 years and there has always been some protesters in the Zocalo, but they are usually overwhelmed by the crowds of tourists which are always there. The teacher's protests have become a staple in Oaxaca, but there is some hope that it is getting resolved. I have also been walking up Cerro del Fortin (Fortin Hill) for many years and have never had a problem or known anyone who has. Mind you I go early in the mornings when there are always many others hiking or walking dogs. It is one of my favourite activities in Oaxaca. Oaxaca is a beautiful city and in my opinion very safe. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.