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>> The percent of US Debt that China owns own: 8% or lower << GEEEEEEEEZE……. Keep On Googling, bro...... as relying UPON The Problem to truthfully "define" The Problem...... is (conceivably) yet ANOTHER "problem"!! HERE is but ONE (of many) independent…… uh…… “observations†= IE: “The U.S. Treasury data almost certainly understates Chinby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> We are in crisis regarding unemployment and the economy. Something has to be done to get things going << AGAIN PB...... Try STOPPING the wholesale (tax-incentivized!) EXPORT of your core Manufacturing LIFE BLOOD overseas, amigo..... Hence BOTH job base AND tax base...... for starters! IMHO, Regan's "original" NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) LIMITEDby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> Selling out all of America's Industry is criminal at least << And At BEST, rojo.....!!by • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
PS...... In güey of ‘punctuation’ (and/or perhaps confirmation), THESE types of REsultant, necessarily REactive proposals (and/or maneuvering inevitabilities!) ARE now visibly a rather ‘common’ world topic of repeated (IMF / WB) evaluation amid the now interdependent Globalization of world commerce-n-currency flows…… IOW, as the U.S. capability rapidly (and justifiably) “slby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
Well..... while I referenced the ENTIRE "European Union" (and not simply / easily / obviously Greece!)...... I dare suggest that comparative debt ratios throughout the Union (and U.S.!) are EQUALLY in what IS considered by MANY (for quite a number of years!) to certainly be in the UNdeniable Danger Zone at present…… as thoughtfully defined by sensible Post Great Depression ‘economby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
Pointing fingers at who is “to blameâ€, PB…… or WORSE…… denying that The Problem even EXISTS at all will certainly NOT safeguard your country’s economy from suffering the equal inevitabilities so well-demonstrated worldwide, amigo! In fact, I would venture to suggest that “it†just THAT caliber of American (side show) “Left v Right†combat-as-entertainment in-fightingby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> The governmental should be spending heavily for workers and manufacturing for infrastructure and other things that the country needs. << You forgot to ADD "spending within its revenue means"...... IF that in fact was your proposed intention!! Though if in doubt, then might I thoroughly recommend that you Double-Check the European Union right about now (particularlyby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
Once again..... CHALE, Flaco....... as I indelibly envy such 'brevity'!! And while the (deservingly) UNcommon “brevity†of my Final Reply last night has (curiously) NOT ‘passed The Muster’, I would insist that stating A Mere Point (online or otherwise) would hardly qualify for being characterized as “arguingâ€. Though, I AM genuinely saddened that the (apparently apathby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
OH..... with ALL that was "unloaded" in my early blurb, nancy, THAT is your ONLY comment...... about an (inexcusable) Freudian Slip !!! Geeeeeeze....... "Only in Puerto", EH, vecinos! AND..... (thus)..... Acknowledging my inability to “edit†my “monitored†posts, I’ll re-post here the intended edits….. = “And while ‘what goes around (historically) COMby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> Just two criminal cartels struggling for power << Oooooh, I like that, Tom!! May I have your permission to borrow that line for future ‘social contexts’? (;-D But from my outside vantage point, I would observe that what the two “cartels†are struggling for is M O N E Y…… albeit VIA power……. as control over the U.S. Treasury and Federal Tax coffers ‘tangiby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
Aaaaaaah, TODAVIA amigo....... frequently sharing The Mesospheric Vantage Point with my oooooold art school cohort!! = And THEN (getting back on topic) there was thankfully Lovely Dr. Laurie...... passing the stethoscope in the late 70s...... after conducting vital (invasive) surgery at CBGB!! =by • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
PS, Flaco = Medicare coverage in a nutshell : The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, 'Hello.' 'Mrs. Sanders, please.' 'Speaking.' 'Mrs. Sanders, this is Doctor Jones at Saint Agnes Laboratory. When your husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from another Mr. Sanders arrived as well. We are now uncertainby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> Poor Adam Smith... so misunderstood << Well said......(sadly enough!)! =by • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> tax what you don't want and give money to what you do want << JFTR, Who is "you"????? IE: WHO makes such (prolific) decisions...... (in your purposed democracy)? AKA: "1, 2, 3, 4"......! =by • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
OH...... PS...... WHICH "disater" are you refering to, L.T........? (!!)by • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> how many that never supported him knew this disaster was going to happen << Well…… I would guesstimate that ALL (we) Fiscal Conservatives “knewâ€, albeit MANY of “us†on the-outside-looking-in WERE indeed (but once) audacious enough to actually EMBRACE “The Audacity Of Hopeâ€. Personally, I simply want to meet his T R A I N E R (political, athletic, circus or otby • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
For those of us 'on the outside lookin in' (with NO dog-in-the-hunt!), I recall that your current President essentially ran (and WON!) on a campaigned "Peace Ticket "......(ala George McGovern in 1972!! WHAT happened to THAT (from Day 1...... and now 3+ years later)???by • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
Trust me, miguel, once your bread is safely off-shore, THEN "it" really gets "amusing"....... (to just 'watch')!! Yeah, ol "Johnny B Goode" =by • por KR - Off-Topic Forum
""I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud"" And BTW, if YOU personally had beloved family members on but only ONE of those Scheduled Flights….. WHO U N D E N I A B L Y DIED…… then I “dare†predict that you would NOT be describing The Events as, “10 years later we KNOW nothing about those planesâ€â€¦â€by • por KR - Off-Topic Forum