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I guess there's no history of photography in Oaxaca... what arrogance.by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
Santa Anna basically gave the Southwest away but Napoleon did the same in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. The whole Aztlan thing is a Chicano concept that your average Mexican just laughs at. Gringos would have grabbed more territory but didn't want populated areas... too many brown folk.by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Why has this been moved? Concerns Oaxaca specifically.by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
I'd just like to add that anything of value in Oaxaca usually stays within an extended family forever be it cars, tools, musical instruments etc. Secunda mano is usually always overpriced with poor quality.by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
Sorry to veer off topic (sort of) but I'm still very intrigued by Mexico News Daily and this Armando González who appears to be the editor-in-chief and the one? who selects which stories to translate from the mostly national press which are duly credited. His editorials, to me at least, suggest someone within the PRI who is pushing Nieto's agenda (Pact with México) in a very clever waby por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
KR is vintage web... thumbs up. If he gets too much just scroll faster...by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Who says they burned it, whatever it is? The piece is a big load of caca de la vaca! C'mon Farkem, you're the retired newspaper editor...by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Farkem who is the narco? Where is the house? Did any of it ever really happen? Reality is hard enough in Mexico...by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
C'mon Farkem... I mean cool pics and all but this isn't journalism.by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Señor Royers I gave you my two pesos over on the PE forum. Have a good trip,by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
iShop Mixup Oaxaca Calzada Porfirio Díaz, Reforma, 68050 Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico 513-4514by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
Last week, manager gunned down at closing time, the usual suspects.by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
What's the story? Noisy and intrusive... was just lighting up a compound about a mile away. First appeared about a week ago...by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
Klasp, owned by friends: La Olla is right across the street.by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
La Olla on Reforma... breakfast before 11.by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
One block north of ADO first class bus station is a high end lighting store... on Emilio Carranza I believe, right hand side.by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
Mexico City to Oaxaca is the TAPO bus terminal (San Lázaro Metro) and the company you want is ADO with frequent departures.by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
"I don't discuss politics, sex or religion on public forums, arguing with someone else is a futile waste of my time." Bowling alone.by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Saw Laurie and Lou two summers ago in Coney Island leading the Mermaid Parade... she looked thrilled, he looked bored as always. Interesting analogy Delmar... one big difference is Ronnie loved to have Tip come by the oval office where they'd open a bottle of Scotch and make deals. Talk about old school...by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Eno is God... or use to be anyway.by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Keep the government away from my Medicare! Ha! US spends 17% GDP on healthcare where single payers spend 10% with universal coverage. But of course a healthy populace has nothing to do with productivity and competiveness. Just like education, who needs it? I wonder how many older conservative voters benefited by the GI Bill and cheap tuition. You would think the teaparty bunch would admireby por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Sad but true, Edmund Burke is rolling in his grave:by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Carter and Clinton reduced the debt, Reagan/Bush and Bush again increased it dramatically and one could argue that Obama has simply continued their global interventionist policies much to the dismay of people like me who put him in office. As for military spending, you can't have it both ways, the Bush wars have cost a lot of money but have enriched the very people Eisenhower warned the counby por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
The raging sage asked about how it feels to be an Obama voter. Looking back I'd say that Hillary would have done a better job standing up to a very freshmen Congress and would have known that compromise wasn't possible with such a lack of congressional leadership. Foreign policy has been about the same, also a disappointment from a leftist point of view and basically mirrors the Bush yeby por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Any insider knowledge of when Hidalgo will be finished would be appreciated.by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca
Thereby proving my previous link I guess... Here's another:by por Flaco - Off-Topic Forum
Anybody got a deal going at Misión de los Ángeles? Would love to play some doubles.by por Flaco - City of Oaxaca