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And the lower mainland canadian guys have no idea what to expect with the mexicans....i mean seriously, our gangs don't even target police, city officials, mayors etc and we haven't yet beheaded, tore the entire skin of human bodies and chopped into pieces near as many people as the cartels have, or totally made them dissappear by placing them in caustic substances....i think the mexicaby susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
lifestyle seekers? really? i read the post from the paper and my god, it is the death seekers and i believe if you want to live that kind of "lifestyle" be prepared to pay something to your medical bill for your health issues. My lil 98 lb nurse sister is tired of trying to lift 350 lb fatties who smoke, eat and drink to excess in her job....just cause they want to seek a lifestyle tby susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
Last year Witchita had the most amount of users checking in on a daily basis and the longest living threads, this year here we go again folks..makes me wonder what is in all of us that needs to watch this soap opera. I go from anger to amusement to concern to just plain laughter. It has it all - entertainment and Witchita seems to like to keep us watching and playing the game. I can't putby susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
he is just three up from your post asking for money...sounds like him. In all seriousness I am glad you are worried, it is easy to make fun or miminize problems from afar but I would like to think that if i lived in the area someone would occassionally watch out for me no matter how cranky, weird, anti-social, drunk or unpleasant i might be. It is after all a community and I have learned from yby susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
maybe they don't care if he leaves but if he wants to return it might be a Witchita, run...far, long and deep into eastern Canada where they will never find you!by susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
I can see how you can hide the working women but how do you hide peacocks?? susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
The Canucks are the only Canadian team playing now for a cup that hasn't been home in quite some time. I hope Canadian's across the country are cheering, not just those who happen to be in B.C. Go guys go!by susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
Lucky you Steve, it was sunny here in the Great Northern Rainforest but temps were about 10C with humidity at 70% and dropping tonight to 5C - sorry for those in the States, i don't remember how to convert temps. We had snow on friday though........yes, would be glad to be soaking up the healing heat of Mexico and would love to see the children having susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
Sounds like Prince Rupert BC! We have something like 12 records for the worst weather but we still go fishing every day!!! Zummie, if you come up i will arrange for you to go fishing with the Canadian Coast Guard!by susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
Not enough girls up here join the forces???by susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
Hi! I am very familiar with the Barra de Navidad forum but have never used this one. My girlfriend wants a good recommendation on an all inclusive in Puerto Vallerta area. We were supposed to meet in Barra but plans have changed and left me home and her now travelling. Your help would be susanmachin - Puerto Vallarta
Thanks you two! The visual nooky tonight! Ah, I am glad you add such fun to the forum!by susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
Thank God! What wonderful news! This is the man responsible for me being laid off two goverment jobs within 10 years. This is the guy who ran us into debt and did not give a care. I can't express my personal thoughts on this man here on a public forum but I am happy. The biggest bad part is that we will pay him a huge huge amount of money to be unemployed for the rest of his susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
This forum is always fighting over who is better, a American or a's just plain stupid. I like the comment by PJD who claims he is a COW, I want to be a COW too. How many threads have we now on this subject?by susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
OFFICIAL WARNING: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada advises against non-essential travel to the border areas between Mexico and the United States, due to continuously high levels of violence linked to drug trafficking in those areas. Canadians should avoid crossing Mexico’s northern border by land, as shootouts, attacks, and illegal roadblocks may occur at any time. Criminals espeby susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
Winds Issued 04:00 PM PDT 09 October 2010 Tonight and Sunday Hurricane force wind warning in effect. Wind south 25 knots increasing to southeast 40 to 50 early this evening and to southwest 50 to 65 after midnight. Wind diminishing to south 30 to 40 early Sunday morning and to southwest 25 Sunday afternoon. Waves Issued 04:00 PM PDT 09 October 2010 Today Tonight and Sunday Seasby susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
Hey quit picking on Zummie! LOLby susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
Add this to the susanmachin - Off-Topic Forum
We have profiles? I can read more about the forum members? Please, where is this?by susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
This just makes me want to cry...its such a damn shame. My heart goes out to those who have/had homes in Tena. For the most part the gringos will recover from the loss as for many it was a second home but for the people who invested their lives, who built small business's and raised their families, who made that home i can't imagine the pain they feel and the loss and disbelief that tby susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
This does not look burned and destroyed. It looks like they have fallen out of use and fallen down. Is this where the restaurants are??by susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
That sounds like good news so far, maybe they decided to wait for the courts before they trashed it completely. I hope susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
Same place as those who badgered Dry, same place...this is an open forum is it not? Meant for discussion/expression of views? The orginal poster said she wouldn't be bothered with the forum again but perhaps the next new voice might be treated differently..or not as it seems rather predictable in this forum for every post to be turned into something other than the question susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
I don't think people should have to be thick skinned just to come into a forum meant for answering questions and feel they get jumped on. Even if the question has been asked 100 times she didn't know that and if people didn't want to answer they didn't need to instead of making her feel bad. A bunch of regulars can banter back and forth seeing as you know each other but in tby susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
SrCotton says it best!by susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
heeheeby susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
If you are irritated by the orginal poster asking a question previously asked then don't read the damn thing...what joy does it bring to make her feel bad?by susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
Wow, Tenatacita has changed in the short time i have been there, I never realized the houses on the far beach nor the large building on the main beach (a hotel?) There sure is alot hanging in this battle. I hope the little guy wins the susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
Katie, Have been a victim myself of hurtful responses and almost left the board but it is fun for the most part. And Nan and the gals are a really friendly helpful bunch, even some of the old farts club are helpful. I think they do get a lot of amusement out of making newbies uncomfortable though. Keep coming and watch out for Zummie......i think he is a bright light in here but ya have to getby susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
Please, someone give us an update on this. I spent a weekend in one of the hotels at the far end of the beach, left hand side off the beach with a lovely older mexican couple. Hate to think of how everyones life will be susanmachin - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas