Show all posts by userForum for La Manzanilla, Tenacatita, and Boca de Iguanas, including Tecuán and Careyes |
Too funny..... But once again happy bite, “If it doesn’t make you laugh, then it isn’t true”!! – Lenny Bruce And hey, change the name "Xi" in your statement to the CCP, and you’re undoubtedly getting closer to a direct Bulls Eye. Thus, as only just some mere preliminary hors d'oeuvres, then take a byte of these: Huawei would be forced to hand over 5G data to the Chinese gby KR - Off-Topic Forum
“Sorry, I don´t know what other topic heading to use for this.” Why not put it under the “Uplifting Sidebar” thread? As I had earlier sensed, it was only a matter of time before polemic American politics would eke its way back onto this México forum, again giving local expats ‘a gleeful outlet’ to release predictably pent-up animosities. Accordingly, as America’s president also recentlyby KR - Off-Topic Forum
Nice and EZ website, paal, from The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)by KR - Off-Topic Forum
JFTR, “accepting vast swaths of refugees and Europeans” foreigners as NEW Norwegian residents under ANY situational characterization, IS quite normally referred to as “immigrants”…… Worldwide. And that is certainly no misconstruing. In fact, if in doubt, ask the Americans!!! ‘-oby KR - Off-Topic Forum
Well, if THAT'S the case Gil, then it DOES appear that America's President Elect has indeed "used Norway's policy as a template" ! PS: In fact, it also appears that SO HAS Mexico.....!!!! '-Dby KR - Off-Topic Forum
"...... perhaps someone could explain to Imago how odds work..." ;-)by KR - Off-Topic Forum
And if any of your friends are 'late bloomers' (or at minimum, are Slow Learners) then perhaps your invitation may prove to eventually be a rather sensible one, AND, might well be duly accompanied by an inevitably requisite, and perhaps ever-welcome Exodus Pole Vault….. TOO!! On the other hand, only The Illuminati really 'knows for sure' KR - Off-Topic Forum
..... or with your country's current 'selection'..... uh..... perhaps with your "head in the sand"....???? OBVIOUSLY, I'm NO Pro Trump Fan, nor do I even vote 'up there'. But HEY, lets at least call a spade-a-spade..... on Our Shared WORLD Scene = Definitely worth an hours viewing..... with your "feet in the sand" (or elsewhere).by KR - Off-Topic Forum
“Nicaragua…… rather grimy and third-worldish which is not too surprising seeing its recent history, civil wars, earthquakes etc.” I especially adored the still proudly-worn (now rotting) Che Guevara ‘caps’, Gil, as yet another shining example of Successful Socialism at work!! Albeit, Augusto Juan Sandino was an entirely ‘different’ story. And well-noted Pedro….. as PA’s question was indeedby KR - Off-Topic Forum
Definitely worth a visit, PA, and definitely small-town-ish 'sorta' like Puerto "20 years ago"...... at least like Zicatela.... though purportedly growing fast these days. While its been a few years since our last visit, San Juan del Sur is (or at least was) a bit timely to get to from Managua, though such back-then arduous travel was well worth the often Good surf and reguby KR - Off-Topic Forum
Pursuant to a recent reference on our TZ Oaxaca forum, what is the actual current state of affairs with land title validity at Tenacatita? Have the Guadalajara developer's 'legal' land claims finally won-out, and have all earlier existing property owners conclusively lost their original titles (both Mexican national and foreigner land owners)? TIAby KR - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
Gosh.... no reply after your rather ‘stern’, parental scolding??? NTL, amidst your ambitious, little over 1 post-per-month (year after year), my advice ‘Puerto Observer’ is: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi Versus say, your patently transparent attempts at a (FAILED) ‘being above it all’ pseudo-refinement that does little else than merely exemplify the Veby KR - Off-Topic Forum
Do you mean “abusive percipients” like your own intolerant edict above…..?by KR - Off-Topic Forum
"Rumor" has it, delmar, that Norteño migration is LARGELY due to A). the more solvent economic option / potential in The Land Of Opportunity, is B). a FAR more ‘safe’ environment in The Land Of Enforced Laws, and C). is a far, FAR more attractive ‘future’ in The Land Of Public Safety Nets…… primarily A+ modern healthcare access KR - Off-Topic Forum
. Hopefully, México’s Indigenous Peoples will continue to learn as much historically from their northern indigenous neighbors, as obviously has the Mexican Fed from its northern Central Government neighbors…. “historically”! Commandeering water rights is A BIGGIE…… and Guererro alone is a prime example, fueled largely by foreign Canadian mining investment KR - Off-Topic Forum
Incredible EH…… (but indeed stylish!!). Though, while the mandatory citizen autodefensas in Michoacán always had my vote, I would venture to predict that the article terribly misstated that “the Knights Templar has been gutted” in the KR - Off-Topic Forum
Aaaaaah, come on Derfie….. Live and Let Live, bra. THOUGH, from but cursory perusal of the general area inhabitants, one might predict that Dick Dale CLASSICS are appreciated by many, MANY more than you might even remotely “Imagine”……! If not, then here are but a few MORE memorable “Strato Moments” that might at least (justifiably) jerk your Observational Skills (appreciative or otherwise).by KR - Off-Topic Forum
Happy 60th Birthday, Stratocaster = STILL ever so Strat-tastic!!by KR - Off-Topic Forum
Actually “Mag”, I would guestimate that an independent thread of this caliber might well be FAR more productive if reserved solely for lodging complaints. THAT way, the (pre-neurotic) insistence of now loading up nearly each and EVERY individual thread with these intentionally disruptive Off Topic (jibing) detours can be totally AVOIDED…… thus permitting the otherwise “normal flow” of differiby KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> President Obama once said..... << AND..... (once AGAIN)...... your current U.S. President ALSO "once said" that the U.S. would be OUT of Iraq (and other Global Military Dalliances!) "within 6 months"...... ("if" / after HE were elected)! In fact (as stated earlier) your current President essentially ran on (for ALL intent and purposes) UNarguablyby KR - Off-Topic Forum
“The people who criticize America so much, are the ones who LOVE it so much……. THAT comes from The Innocence that we ALL have somewhere within us, that we must always fall back on.” - Samuel Fuller, writer / filmmaker While previously noted that you are obviously / thankfully NO “idiot”, neighbor (and demonstrably so herewith!), I must confess that I AM a wee bit alarmed that you seeminglyby KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> Like to pass it along << (!!) >> Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act …… (aka: the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999?)…… if Clinton would have vetoed it, it would have been overridden because it passed with a huge majority. Way more than the 66% needed. << While a sort of a CYA avoidance, PB, few people really know The REAL ‘why’ of such contrary-to-phby KR - Off-Topic Forum
PS: >> The Federal government was not really controlled by the Democrats in 1998. Even though Clinton was President, the House of Representatives was controlled by the Republicans and the Senate was controlled by the Republicans << Well…. Certainly Agreed. BUT, you can’t ‘have it both güeys’, neighbor....... (no matter how hard ya try)!! To claim deficit “fault” to be SOLEby KR - Off-Topic Forum
>> I am pointing out my observations regarding the candidates in the election << And I am merely pointing out (throughout this tread) that “history” appears to confirm that The Continuum of U.S. government policy and ever-sequential ‘new laws’ (impacting financial markets at minimum) tends to follow a general, directional linear sequitur demonstrably irrespective of WHICH “side ofby KR - Off-Topic Forum
Ooooops, typo correction = 1998+by KR - Off-Topic Forum
D A M N….. Today’s "Bored" Installment, too….. cuz I’m currently ‘runnin out’ of my FAVORITE Drug….. (ie: RELIABLE Investment Option) : . Sad to see you're now BACK to your (curious) instinctual partisan in-fighting 'urges', PB......! The Nero Complex????? NTL, VERY Nice “360” audio link. Though, while a bit belabored on The Fairly Well Known (with its ‘Biggerby KR - Off-Topic Forum
PS 3: (In final REply to a recent, pure Puerto PM!) >> Idiot << TOTALLY Agreed……. ALL Realists are, by definition. On the other hand, you (PB?) are decidedly NOT an idiot, neighbor……. (by definition)! And while I have insisted U.S. “debt paper” from the gitto, it is evident but once again that we BOTH appear to be REpeatedly incapable of embracing each other’s perspectiveby KR - Off-Topic Forum
And PS 2: I now ‘get’ YOUR point…… BUT……. using your U.S. Gov statistics above to "prove" your point is a DIRE Fallacy in the context HERE of China’s UNDENIABLY increasing control over the U.S……. uh….. “independence”. The traditionally clever “smoke and mirrors” Paper Chase of owing money TO YOURSELF is (again) part of the problem! The ability to cook-the-books (by “robbing Peterby KR - Off-Topic Forum
It ain't MY "hyperbole", dude...... "It" is the direct analysis estimated AND quoted from "Mr. Johnson, a former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund"....... who I dare anticipate has a FAR Greater 'handle' on the operative mechanics of (often sinister!) international currency flows AND debt instruments...... EH!! And predicably, too,by KR - Off-Topic Forum
PS: In such regard..... neighbor....... JFTR (and/or for laughts) again = AKA: Utilizing "shell" corporations (of UNdetectable origen!) to buy-up 'controlling interest' is predictably something that The New China learned from your own Wall Street..... by sending THEIR kids to your Finest Universities, EH! Was it Mao who siad somethun 'bout "smellin theby KR - Off-Topic Forum