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Walking the road between Zipolite & Puerto Angel ?
January 08, 2014 09:23AM
Does anyone have recent knowledge about the saftey ( re robberies ) of walking the road between Zipolite and Puerto Angel and vice versa ? The reports on this site are from quite a few years ago. A year ago we noticed how built up with houses this road had become ( also Zipolite has changed a lot ... but not Puerto Angel ?... could never understand that ? ) We did not feel uncomfortable at all walking this road...except for the heat. LOL. Anyway ..not asking for advice re dont carry valuables etc.

Also, all the times we have been in this area ( at least 5 over a period of 15 years ) we have not been been able to understand the colectivo ( shared taxi ) situation between theses 2 places...very sporadic. Does anyone have personal experience / knowledge / advice as to the hours in the day when one might have the best chance of catching a ride?...probably morning...approx. what times...when in the afternoon / evening ? etc etc

Thank You.
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