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The Epitaph of a Super Power

Posted by • Enviado por Ricky Campbell 
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The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 15, 2012 09:20AM
I was born 73 years ago in Costa Rica. I moved to Canada when I was 27 years old as a song and dance showman.
Over the years I have seen and admired the generosity of the United States to countries in times of need, serving as a model to the rest of the world. Sadly, the U.S. has lost the respect of many countries by insisting on forcing its beliefs on others. The U.S. is the big bully that is willing to wage war against any nation that does not subscribe to its rules and constantly brags about its military might while 25% of her people live in poverty. The hatred among themselves, the radical views, the racial divide….Sorry, United States of America…look in the mirror. Your dominance is rapidly coming to an end.
Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 15, 2012 09:32AM
Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 15, 2012 09:37AM
Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 15, 2012 09:41AM
WOW!!! You musta had a fight with your American wife...time to sing yourself a HAPPY song!!
Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 15, 2012 09:46AM
I think you need to look in the mirror, your lack of insight is fascinating.
Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 15, 2012 10:56AM
Well, that is the way it usually works with superpowers throughout history, but in teh defense of the US, it is probably the most benevolent superpower/empire that has ever exited. It has not always behaved well, but its positively wonderful when you compare it to those in the past, including the British Empire.

I hardly think anyone beleives the one waiting in the wings (China) is going to be any better.
Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 15, 2012 11:21AM
This reminds me of the proverb , mi tia toca la guitarra, my aunt plays the guitar or what's that got to do with the price of tea in china i.e. how is this relevant to a barra/melaque forum?
Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 15, 2012 12:54PM
What we in the US call poverty is still better that how 99% of the rest of the world lives.
Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 15, 2012 01:09PM
He you go ...

"In shocking address, Congressman blasts β€œOur Constitution has failed”"

Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 16, 2012 12:58AM
You wrote: "The U.S. is the big bully that is willing to wage war against any nation that does not subscribe to its rules."

You should do your research on the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the privately owned central banking system comprised of 162 central banks worldwide.

Governments do not become bullies on their own. They are influenced by central banking factions, behind the scenes. Know your history. Nearly all countries have a privately owned central bank that is lending money to the given govt, at interest. These govts do not need to borrow this money, as they can print it on their own. Why does this happen? The Bank for International Settlements -- the world's most powerful corporation -- is the bully you speak of.
Re: The Epitaph of a Super Power
November 16, 2012 12:59AM
If you want well-documented details about the future of the US, read this web site --

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