IP/Host IP/Ordenador: ---.dsl.csolve.net Date Registered Fecha de registro: 16 Posts Mensajes: 415
Despite having travel insurance,a Canadian woman was denied her claim for 50,000 after her stay in a California hospital.The article on yahoo.ca points out how ambiguous questions can cause financial grief.
IP/Host IP/Ordenador: ---.prod-infinitum.com.mx Date Registered Fecha de registro: 17 Posts Mensajes: 1,060
Remember, travel health insurers are responsible to their shareholders, not you ! All that fine print is not for your benefit...it's for them. When you find an honest 'plain language' insurer, post it here .....if you live long enough.
IP/Host IP/Ordenador: 96.51.63.--- Date Registered Fecha de registro: 17 Posts Mensajes: 688
This is not cheap travel insurance!!!!!! All I wanted was trip cancellation, everything else, I have covered. I wanted trip cancellation mainly because my dad is 87 and at that age, you never know. This outfit wanted $288 for two of us just for trip cancellation. Yikes, not cheap!