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Prominent Canadian Photographer Murdered in Merida

Posted by • Enviado por MortimerSnerd 
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Prominent Canadian Photographer Murdered in Merida
October 01, 2016 04:54PM
While not specific to the CostaAllegre such incidents do have a negative spin-off effect when it comes to tourism... hopefully the perps are caught..

Re: Prominent Canadian Photographer Murdered in Merida
October 02, 2016 08:43AM
Mort - That is especially true when these stories are posted on tomzap, because people who skim websites or visit websites are often unfamiliar with Mexican geography, thinking, "Why would it be posted here if it isn't relevant...murder...I think I'll go elsewhere."

It would be a great service if you would remove the post.
Re: Prominent Canadian Photographer Murdered in Merida
October 02, 2016 08:47AM
Re: Prominent Canadian Photographer Murdered in Merida
October 02, 2016 08:57AM
about 20 million US citizens visit Mexico annually. About one million live here. With traffic fatalities at 15000 or so annually, However sad this is it is followed by a number of Canadian deaths and kidnappings abroad in very recent history and other migrants suffer, some of whom are enslaved by organized criminals and even security authorities.. None of those made the headline story of CTV news.ca! I wonder how many Mexicans were killed by mugging or for robbery by state, there were in Mexico yesterday? There is little incentive for an investigadory police and prosecutor to investigate a murder. If they caught the guy, they'd likely taint forensic evidence, and then the prosecutor has to try him. Why? He gets the same pay when not doing his job, he is so feared and mistrusted, no member of the public will help and he could be stepping on some much larger feet than he has too. I have heard that creativity in the ju$tice system can get results but not necessarily and kind of real justice.
I am merely reporting things I am told by people in the justice system and hear say. The hear say is for you to notice Spool mac since you don't seem to know at all what it is. many people repeat this phrase to me when discussing crime locally, "There is no law". I know from first hand knowledge how inept the authorities are and that cash will get you documents that have gone missing and even your stolen merchandise returned. There is no law broken if you tip an investigator who went out of his way to find you a missing document since he did nothing illegal for the "tip:.
Re: Prominent Canadian Photographer Murdered in Merida
October 02, 2016 09:55AM
Meanwhile a Japanese exchange student murdered in Vancouver. Unfortunately these incidents, while rare, do happen around the world. They should not put somebody off from visiting Mexico or Vancouver for that matter.
Re: Prominent Canadian Photographer Murdered in Merida
October 02, 2016 01:48PM
Re: Prominent Canadian Photographer Murdered in Merida
October 03, 2016 04:49PM
didnt take long to get booted off barra-melaque forum, which as it should be HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH barra-melaque
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