Yesterday I wrote an essay about a toad that came knocking at my door. Literally. [] It appears to be a cane toad. Am I correct? Steve Cotton [] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2015 09:14AM by srcotton.
I thought cane toads only lived in Australia.
The cane toad (Rhinella marina), also known as the giant neotropical toad or marine toad, is a large, terrestrial true toad which is native to Central and South America [] Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre
Well Steve, I showed the picture to my Susy and lo but she says that is none other than Mr. Sapo... we get these guys hopping into the front door quite regularly. Of course it's for the food... usually in the form of the assorted bugs that magically appear on the light colored tiles of our 'living room" floor... zip... 12" of tongue and that bug's a goner... once saw him gobble down a whole cockroach so he's most welcome to all of those critters he wants. They seem quite tame, generally you can just reach down pick em up and put them back out in the garden... they sometimes puff up presumably some defense mechanism. The other little green guy that comes in is called the aranya (sp) similar to the little green frogs we used to catch as kids.. lots of those and in the little pond they are quite noisy after sundown. biggest problem is the moya (sp) that land locked crab.. some of them quite large. In they come clickety clackety right through the front door.. and chasing em out is a we have a stiff broom handy... they hiss at you, claws thrusting upward... they get really pissed and don't want to leave...most wind up dead. Murdered one last night...
I've found the toads sitting in he dog food bowl in the morning by the time they are usually hiding. They get passed to the lot next door Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre
We had one on our bedroom wall. It was quite a scene getting it off the wall and to the outside.
Don't annoy them, cane toads secrete a milky substance which is noxious and can do your pets a nasty. Other more used scientific name for them is Bufo marinus. They were another great idea (NOT!) import to Australia alongside rabbits! Dan Website - [] Email -
I just watched a film on the import of cane toads to Australia. I now have no doubt. It is one. Steve Cotton []
Seriously, I showed this posted picture to Stew. When we discovered the frog ( we both had our glasses off and a little to drink) when somehow he spotted it on the wall of our bedroom, the bedroom door had been shut; how did it get in other then flatten itself even more then it already is and get in, in the smidgen of room between the door and the floor. We didn't know exactly what it was, it was flat on the wall, somehow Stew knew he didn't want to touch it and flinged it out of the room with something. I guess lucky we even saw it, and didn't touch it.
I catch them by putting a cottage cheese or similar container over them then sliding a thin cutting plastic cutting board under and release them outside. I don't know what kind of toad of frog but this has worked for several different kinds. They seem to think they are hiding when they stand still.
A bit of Australian Humour about "Baz the cane toad" follow the link & Enjoy! [] Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. Lo siento, sσlo puedes enviar mensajes si estαs registrado.