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Four members of family

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Four members of family
March 19, 2013 12:47AM
including one 6 year old and a 1 year old murdered and burned in 2 SUVs in Jalisco state. Source: laht.com
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 08:49AM
This crime is shocking and disturbing in and of itself, but also disturbing to me is the photo of the forensic crew at the crime scene. Why...because there is one.

When I attended the crime scene in November, I was shocked to see only a pathologist present and a uniformed policeman who did not keep onlookers from the vicinity of the crime scene. The entire procedure was archaic, including the lack of items typically utilised at a crime scene, as are shown in the above mentioned photo and so evidently used sometimes and on some occasions.
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 09:10AM
Worse than "archaic" is that someone even had you visit the crime scene Maria. Unless it was your choice, I see it as draconian. Maria, the services here in forensics are done by techs from Guadaljara as far as I know, or often not done at all as I have witnessed.
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 10:12AM
I was required to attend, Steve, for indentification purposes. And as that meant I could be certain and assist with advisement of possible evidence, I was absolutely willing to be there.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2013 10:13AM by maria christina.
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 10:37AM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2013 10:44AM by IrishStew.
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 12:42PM
Anyone have any actually news links on it.
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 02:39PM
Link to the Latin American Herald Tribune article:
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 05:01PM
You do know that is about 9 hours of travel from here don't you? Why doesn't everyone report all the violent crime in Mexico City, they are almost the same distance in terms of time.


Website - [www.flipflopnomads.com] Email - info@flipflopnomads.com
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 05:08PM
Exactly what we said after looking at a map to see where Huejuquilla was..........
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 05:35PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/2013 08:23AM by maria christina.
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 05:40PM
Well this is a board for the Barra, Melaque and Cihuatlan area, not Los Altos. So the news of someone being killed half a day away is not really local.


Website - [www.flipflopnomads.com] Email - info@flipflopnomads.com
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 05:52PM
I agree Dan, I am sorry for Maria but that kind of post only scares people. Our area has sufferred enough. If we post tragic news 9 hours away why not post all of the tragedy world wide.
Humpback what was your agenda?
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 05:55PM
reports the crime was a payback its unfortunate about the kids at the same time parents put their kids in harms way they are to blame
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 06:04PM
It is so sad that most people from North of the Border are so unaware of just how big Mexico is.

Clearly, the trauma of the event that Maria went through, gives her a special concern: not all areas of Jalisco receive the same services in terms of crime investigations.

The same, to probably a much lesser extent, can certainly be said of rural and urban areas in the States, as well as where police, at least occasionally, receive their positions as a function of hereditary, rather than skill and training. I have no knowledge of Canada.

Unfortunately, we also live in a world where the media has jumped all over the dangers of living in Mexico. And, I don't mean to minimize any danger that anyone feels.

It is just that when a post appears here, especially before Spring Break, when NOB tourists are making decisions where to go, we all know posts about murders, however, distant from us, can pop up on Internet searches linked to the names of our locale. It just is the way thing are.

So, Dan, I also think it is super that you pointed out early in this thread, some local geography that puts things in perspective.

PS I miss you Maria and hope you are doing well in the cold north!
Re: Four members of family
March 19, 2013 06:35PM
I agree with Dan- please keep it to local events...this post was not at all relevant to the Barra and Melaque area- the initial post is really 'out of bounds'...I had to look up the location also as I assumed based on the post that it must be close by. Why would someone bring attention to a topic that happened far away, with a title that instantly raises curiosity (and apprehension) and of course then brings many to open the post....
Re: Four members of family
March 20, 2013 11:44AM
In a country with over 100,000,000 it is possible to find virtually any kind of crime on any given day. How about some child kidnapping and dismembership to really rock your socks off. I am sure that happens almost everyday somewhere in Mexico, U.S., Europe, Russia, AND Asia. Murder? Sheesh, that is an easy one to come up with.
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