It's been a little slow here, and I'm pretty sure this won't help much, but here's a list of the birds I saw during our stay in Comala this winter. All were seen (as compared to heard only), and all were in easy walking distance of Comala and Nogueras and the roads in between. Bird List - Bungalow and vicinity, including Comala and Nogueras - Nov-Feb 2010-11 English Spanish* Great Egret Garza Grande Snowy Egret Garza Nivea Green Heron Garza Verde White Ibis Ibis Blanco Black Vulture Zipilote Negro Turkey Vulture Aura Cabecirroja White-tailed Kite Milano Coliblanco Gray Hawk Aquililla Gris Roadside Hawk Aquililla Caminera Red-tailed Hawk Aquililla Colirroja Crested Caracara Caracara Comun Collared Forest-Falcon Halcon-selvatico Collarejo West Mexican Chachacala Chachacala Mexicana Banded Quail Codorniz Barrada Rock Dove/Pigeon Paloma Domestica White-winged Dove Paloma Aliblanca Inca Dove Tortola Colilarga Common Ground-Dove Tortola Comun Orange-fronted Parakeet Perico Frentinaranja Mexican Parrotlet Periquito Mexicano Squirrel Cuckoo Cuco Ardilla Groove-billed Ani Garrapetero Pijuy Mottled Owl Buho Cafe Vaux's Swift Vencejo de Vaux Cinnamon Hummingbird Colibri Canelo Magnificient Hummingbrd Colibri Magnifico Plain-caped Starthroat Picolargo Coronioscuro Black-chinned Hummingbird Colibri Barbinegro Russet-crowned Motmot Momoto Coronicafe Golden-cheeked Woodpecker Carpintero Cachetidorado Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Chupasavia Vientre-amarillo Ladder-backed Woodpecker Carpintero Listado Lineated Woodpecker Carpintero Lineado Ivory-billed Woodcreeper Trepatroncos Piquiclaro Northern Beardless Tyrannulet Mosquerito Lampino Norteno Greater Pewee Pibi Mayor Western Pewee Pibi Occidental Western Flycatcher sp. Mosquero sp. Great Kiskadee Luis Grande Social Flycatcher Luis Gregario Tropical or Cassin's Kingbird Tirano Tropical o Cassin Thick-billed Kingbird Tirano Piquigrueso Rose-throated Becard Cabezon Degollado Gray-breasted Martin Martin Pechigris N. Rough-winged Swallow Golondrina-aliserrada Nortena Barn Swallow Golondrina Ranchera Happy Wren Saltapared Feliz Sinaloa Wren Saltapared Sinaloense Ruby-crowned Kinglet Reyezuelo Sencillo Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Perlita Grisilla Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush Zorzalito Piquinaranja Swainson's Thrush Zorzalito de Swainson White-throated Robin Zorzal Gorjiblanco Rufous-backed Robin Zorzal Dorsirrufo Blue Mockingbird Mulato Azul Northern Mockingbird Cenzontle Norteno Plumbeous Vireo Vireo Plomizo Golden Vireo Vireo Dorado Warbling Vireo Vireo Gorjeador Nashville Warbler Chipe de Nashville Tropical Parula Parula Tropical Yellow Warbler Chipe Amarillo Yellow-rumped Warbler Chipe Rabadilla-amarilla Black-throated Gray Warbler Chipe Negrigris Black-and-White Warbler Chepe Trepador American Redstart Pavito Migratorio Ovenbird Chipe-suelero Coronado Louisiana Waterthrush Chipe-suelero Arroyero MacGillivray's Warbler Chipe de Tolmie Hooded Warbler (rare) Chipe Encapuchado (rara) Common Yellowthroat Mascarita Comun Wilson's Warbler Chipe de Wilson Yellow-breasted Chat Griton Pechiamarillo Scrub Euphonia Eufonia Gorjinegro Summer Tanager Tangara Roja Western Tanager Tangara Occidental Grayish Saltator Saltador Grisaceo Black-headed Grosbeak Picogrueso Tigrillo Blue Bunting Colorin Azulinegro Blue Grosbeak Picogrueso Azul Varied Bunting Colorin Morado Orange-breasted Bunting Colorin Pechinaranja Painted Bunting Colorin Sietecolores Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow Rascador Coronirrufo Blue-Black Grassquit Semillero Brincador White-collared Seedeater Semillero Collarejo Stripe-headed Sparrow Zacatonero Pechinegro Clay-colored Sparrow Gorrion Palido Lark Sparrow Gorrion Arlequin Grasshapper Sparrow Gorrion Chapulin Lincoln's Sparrow Gorrion de Lincoln Eastern Meadowlark Pradero Comun Great-tailed Grackle Zanate Mayor Orchard Oriole Bolsero Castano Black-vented Oriole Bolsero de Wagler Streak-backed Oriole Bolsero Dorsirrayado Yellow-winged Cacique Cacique Mexicano House Finch Fringiledo Mexicano House Sparrow Gorrion Domestico *Spanish names from A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America. Steve N.G. Howell and Sophie Webb. 1995.
Great list. Thanks. I am particularly jealous of the owl. I have been chasing them for a long time with no luck. On the other hand I have been lucky enough to see spotted wrens, vermillion flycatchers and bluebirds. Not much around today (early June) but I will be back to Casa Alvarada and my friend Jupiter has his ears open for new birds. Howard Platt, Manzanillo
In the area you mention you can also see very common the White throated magpie jay, Now you have made the list, we can update it with some photos. Saludos from Comala [] THE LOCAL EXPERTS Follow us on Facebook: Admire Mexico Tours DMC Follow our blog: []
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