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Land Mass: 93,793 Km2 (4.8% of the Nation)
Primary Climactic Region: Warm Subhumid with summer rains (33% of State)
Municipalities: 570
Highest Peak: Cerro Nube (Quie Yelaag); 5,952 Feet Above Sea Level
Population: 3,438,765 (123,953 more females) (3.5% of the Nation)
Largest Age Group: 0-14 years (37.8% of the population)
Population Density: 37 persons per Km2 (National Average: 50)
Urban vs. Rural (areas with less than 2,500 people): 45%/ 55% (Nationally: 75/25)
Education: 5.6% nominally exceed 5th grade (Nation: 7.3%)
Illiteracy: 21% of those 15 years old and over (Nationally: 9%)
Persons speaking indigenous language only: 20% of those 5+ years (Nation: 17%)


25% of those born in the State leave to settle elsewhere
6% of State residents were born elsewhere
4% of Mexican immigrants in the USA are Oaxacan


There are 737,937 households, of which:
66.4% have municipal water
42.3% have plumbing
87.7% have electricity


1.6% of the National GNP
Nation’s top producer of mangos, black beans and agave (for mezcal)
Nation’s third largest producer of Serrano chilies and sour limes
Nation’s second largest producer of red snapper
Nation’s second largest producer of caprine (goatlike) cattle
Its 107,120 economic enterprises compose 3.6% of the Nation’s total
Its 302,860 workers compose 1.9% of the Nation’s total
Average annual wage is 56,141 pesos (Nationally: 79,551)

Translated and collated by Alvin Starkman of Casa Machaya Oaxaca Bed & Breakfast

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