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Highway 54/110 Travel Log Northbound

Highway 54 connects Guadalajara, capitol of Jalisco, with Colima, capitol of Colima state. From Colima, highway 110 continues south to the Pacific Coast first to Cuyutlán and then Manzanillo.
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Kilometers/ Miles
19°03'N 104°20'W
Elev. 95m/311'

36 km
(351 remaining)
22 miles
(218 remaining)
Leave Manzanillo eastbound on highway 110 to Cuyutlán.
18°55'N 104°04'W
Elev. 3m/10'
10 km
(315 remaining)
6 miles
(196 remaining)
18°56'N 103°58'W
Elev. 55m/180'
44 km
(305 remaining)
27 miles
(190 remaining)
Colima is the capital city of the state of Colima and one of the oldest cities in Mexico. In Colima, continue north on highway 54.
19°14'N 103°41'W
Elev. 723m/2372'
52 km
(261 remaining)
32 miles
(163 remaining)
The active volcano Volcán de Colima and then Nevado de Colima are visible off to the left. The tollroad bypasses the town of Tonila, which is just north of the Jalisco/Colima state line.
19°24'N 103°31'W
Elev. 1122/3681'
32 km
(209 remaining)
20 miles
(131 remaining)
The active volcano Nevado de Colima and then Volcán de Colima are visible off to the right.
19°32'N 103°30'W
28 km
(177 remaining)
18 miles
(111 remaining)
The route passes Laguna Zapotlán. Ciudad Guzman is one of the larger cities on the route with a year 2000 population of 90,363 and is the birthplace of mural artist José Clemente Orozco.
Ciudad Guzman
19°42'N 103°28'W
Elev. 1507m/4944'
(149 remaining)
11 miles
(93 remaining)
Sayula turnoff
19°50'N 103°31'W
46 km
(131 remaining)
29 miles
(82 remaining)
29°40'N 103°31'W
Elev. 1350m/4429'
49 km
(85 remaining)
31 miles
(53 remaining)
The route crosses the northern portion of Lago de Sayula and Lago de San Marcos.
Junction Hwy 80
20°23'N 103°34'W
36 km
(36 remaining)
22 miles
(22 remaining)
The route ends in the southeastern section of Guadalajara (Mexico's second largest city) at the intersection of highway 54 and Anillo Periférico. Within Guadalajara, highway 54 goes by the street name Adolfo Lopez Mateos. Anillo Periférico is an outer loop encircling Guadalajara.
20°38'N 103°25'W
Elev. 1553m/5095'

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The Pacific Coast of Mexico www.tomzap.com Tom Penick:  tom@tomzap.com