I have a report that Dave Crews passed away around 5/7/2022. May 2016: David Crews has left Costa Cumana after incident with child.
I have a report that David Crews was observed chasing a 4 to 5-year old boy from the Costa Cumana residence where he has been staying out toward the street. The boy was naked and was screaming and crying. David Crews has been rumored to be a pedophile but this is the first eyewitness account that I am aware of. Neighbors report that Mr. Crews often has children playing in the pool at the Costa Cumana residence. Mr. Crews, who is reported to be in the country illegally, has left the residence and his whereabouts are unknown but there has been one reported sighting on the Rinconada in Puerto Escondido. A report to authorities on his whereabouts might get him deported but only if reported to the top level as he can probably negotiate with lower level authorities.
![]() David K May, Brazoria County, TX, mug shot
January 2016: David Crews reportedly moving to Costa Cumana.
I have a report that David Crews is moving into the home of [name removed by request] in Costa Cumana on January 15 2016. Costa Cumana is located 6 miles SE of Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca. Mr. Crews has reportedly been involved in pedophilia, extrortion, falsifying documents, and fraud and is considered by some to be a dangerous person.
December 2013: David Crews is back in Puerto Escondido.
2011: Under arrest once again, this time in Texas. A hearing that was previously scheduled for May 2011 has been rescheduled for July 18, 2011.
The photo at right is from a 2011 warrant served by Brazoria County, Texas. Mr. Crews' hair is now white and he usually wears a dark baseball cap.
David Crews was reported to have been arrested around March 16, 2010, and was out on bail shortly thereafter.
![]() Mug shots of James David Crews from his 2005 arrest in Mexico
Farkem 1/21/08 1200935370
Which story, the one he wanked on the old tomzap forum like bad breath? Or the stories told about him by the Puerto ex pat choir? People like Dave Crews are the reason other people in Puerto could use some meds.
inspector hound 1/22/08 1201008816
David Crews(sp) is a confidence man much like Jeff Harrison taking advantage of naive foreigners enamoured with the idea of a life in paradise. Real estate fraud is the main thrust. Volumes could be written.
bataka 1/22/08 1201020955
I agree LT. Thanks for sharing the great news! If asked to choose sides between the innocent and the envious, I would certainly side with the likes of a hard-working, innocent guy like Dave. Too bad he ever spent a day, but finally acquitted of all charges. Good.
puertotommy 1/22/08 1201023132
Farkem says RELEASED, not acquitted. Big difference. Since LT and Puerto Tommy know Crews and believe he was framed, i welcome them to summarize the real story now, and help clear his name.
inspector hound 1/22/08 1201028667
I read Farkem's message. This page is not the source of my info; I knew a while back. Just glad to hear he is out and Acquitted, as I do know the true story. However, I will mind my business and not share it.
puertotommy 1/22/08 1201029525
![]() David Crews
Gosh hounddog youre on the wrong track as usual. When one is imprisoned in Mexico, found INOCENT he is then released. I imagine Dave will be glad to show you the papers. Released acquitted, found not guilty or inocent, its all the same. Im not here to take sides either, just the facts. Fair enough. By the way farkem, brownies are on you! L.T.
L.T. 1/22/08 1201029739
"Puerto Tommy" joined TomZap two days ago, just after Puerto Davey got out of the slam. Could they be one and the same?
Farkem 1/22/08 1201030119
The newspaper articles state he does not have any papers that would allow him the capacity to legally run a business in Mexico. But this is Puerto Escondido where you just pay a little bribe and even Eric on the Rinconada can run business under a fake name. And yes odds are Crews is not his birth name.
Info1 1/22/08 1201036011
No beef in your bun as usual Lance LT? How it is, a guy can buy his way out of a mexican prison and not be any more innocent.
inspector hound 1/22/08 1201037409
No, Farkem. I am not Dave. I rejoined recently to post about another subject. It took a bit to confirm, and the member who posted got an answer. However, I may have been checking more lately to see how long it would take for people to start down this inevitable road. Eh, if it gives you something to do... I've never seen Dave do anyone wrong, regardless of what people may have heard. When was the last time anyone considered the Puerto paper or these forums a venue for pure truth?
puertotommy 1/22/08 1201039587
is that the red tide or do i smell something. where is eric chiming in ? what was puerto tommy's old handle?
driftplastic 1/22/08 1201042537
hahaha, This forum rules!! What a good time. Robert Boenenger from Shangri La is info for the record. (Some hit man may want to know ?) I sympathize with anyone who just got out of jail. No matter how wrong he may have appeared to be. Unless he tries to rip me off or the like. lol
Eric S. 1/23/08 1201049343
What did Jeff Harrison do that was so bad? I met him years ago and he seemed like an ok guy
4pilates 1/23/08 1201061522
It is the following event The Water Park which garnered David Crews much of his notoriety:
puertopamela 1/25/08 1201291986
Recently I have been hearing rumors that there are plans afoot to, again(!), invade my property without legal authority. The last time we were invaded, a gang of mercenaries with machetes violently threw everyone who was present on the property at the time (a young woman, her 2 girls, my mother's caregiver, and my 85-year old mother who has Alzheimer's) onto the street with just the clothes on their backs (without even clean diapers or prescription medicines). It took 3 months to get the court order which forced the water park crew to relinquish the property to me. We continue to repair the damage that was done during those 3 months. If anyone reading this knows what (if anything) is being planned against my property, please give me a call with a "heads up." I know there are many decent people here in Puerto who do not appreciate a crew of thugs who ride roughshod over the serenity of our lives. I don't want threats, terror, nor violence to be a part of my life. I'm sure that most people feel the same. If you have information that might be helpful, I will be grateful to hear it. Pamela.
puertopamela 1/26/08 1201308066
emerson 11/8/08 1218477521