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Fifth Annual Report 2006

La Biblioteca de San Agustinillo

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San Agustinillo, Oaxaca
Mazunte, Oaxaca
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The library will celebrate its fifth anniversary December 15, 2006. We have come a long way in five years thanks to all the help you have given us. The time, talent, and generosity you have shown resulted in not only a library, but a truly functional community center for San Agustinillo. We hope in the years to come that we can provide more cultural events, classes, etc., for the children, the community and the tourists. With your help, we know we will accomplish this goal.

MUCHO EXITO (much success) in 2005-2006 for the library. Following is a summary of a very busy year.

With some creative planning and new bookscases, we have been able to house all the news books we are receiving. Lots of donations came our way (thanks to Jane Bauer, Betty Lewis, Mark Brown, among others), but the biggest surprise was over 3,000 books in Spanish for children from Jackie Harvey (niece of Mike and Kate Kelley, regular visitors of San Agustinillo). Many of the books were duplicates so we were able to help other communities and programs that lack books.

We made donations to the library in Tonameca, Chacalapa, as well as to Claudia Fuentes' Sala de Lectura in Mazunte.

Our collection of books in English, French, Dutch, and German is also growing, so you can plan on good reading during your next visit. We are seeing more and more children reading at a younger age here. Many children 3 to 7 years old are taking out books for their parents to read to them at this very important stage in their reading development.

MICHELLE COLLINS WOOD COMPUTER CENTER, opened in Oct. 2005, as part of the library, has 4 computers, a printer, satellite for Internet connection, and lots of kids daily! We are all learning together, and with the genius and assistance of Angelo Azzola, the computers function well daily...and they sure get a lot of use. We are hoping to have computer classes for the children and the community someday.

Everyday we are thankful for the contributions from the friends and family of Bob and Krista Collins, Michelle's parents; and Adam Wood, Michelle's husband (who visited us in March); of Arizona, given to us from the heart in Michelle's memory. Our kids are aware of the wonderful gift they have received and are grateful for it. THANK YOU!

WE HAVE WINNERS AGAIN!! Every year we brag about our winners in the EL NIŅO Y LA MAR NATIONAL ART CONTEST, each state receiving a first, second third place and honorable mentions. This year 6-year-old JUQUILA ISABEL VELASQUEZ FAJARDO won SECOND PLACE. The ceremony will take place in Oaxaca City in the fall, If any of you would like to attend, write to Carole so she can advise you of the date, which is pending due to the strikes in Oaxaca City.

We celebrated INTERNATIONAL EARTH DAY in Playa Ventanilla with an art contest, the focus being conservation of the planet. ZAIRA PACHECO RAMIREZ OF SAN AGUSTINILLO won SECOND PLACE! Seems like we are cultivating an environment for artists here. There was also a LIBERATION OF CROCODILES at the fiesta, which was fun, although a little scary.

This month we are entering another art contest, this one in honor of INDEPENDENCE DAY in Mexico....Vamos a ver lo que pasa.

AN ECOLOGICAL SUMMER was the theme of this summer's workshops, coordinated by Isis and Aline, two young, smart, creative women of San Agustinillo. Twenty children participated in the six week program. The children learned about the four elements, made projects from recycled home objects; sang; painted; and learned how to compost and recycle. They presented their projects to the town on August 19 with their marionettes (made from recycled boxes, bottle caps, etc.) sang and danced. The audience was enchanted, and cries for more workshops arose from the crowd! Of course, we will comply to the wishes of the masses! After the presentation, there was a feeling of peace, happiness, and tranquility that is hard to describe. Isis and Aline, as well as their partners, Hugo and Miguel Angel, are giving the children a new perspective. We are all grateful for their contributions to the library and the community.

Special thanks to Robert Lewis who every year has the patience, initiative, and talent to make sure every child makes a valentine for his parents. The kids love 'Chavo,' as they call him. And our deepest gratitude to Jan Modeland and Betty Lewis, who faithfully pitch in whenever and wherever needed.

It is always a joy to reflect on the past year and a pleasure to plan new projects for the next. Thanks to all of your for your continued interest in the library. Without it, we couldn't continue to offer art programs for the children; hours of reading enjoyment for the children, local people, and tourists; a computer room for internet, homework, games, research; and other cultural activities, all free to our 'clientele.'

This year you also will be able to donate to the library by PAY PAL online, details to come from Nancy and Carole soon.



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