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Fourth Annual Report 2005

La Biblioteca de San Agustinillo

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San Agustinillo, Oaxaca
Mazunte, Oaxaca
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It's time again to report another successful year. When you visit the library next, you will see MANYCHANGES AND ADDITIONS.

Computer Center
Our biggest accomplishment is the opening of a computer center. One of the front rooms in the Casa Municipal is now THE MICHELLE COLLINS WOOD COMPUTER CENTER, so named because of the generous donations from Michelle's family and friends in her memory (please view www.michellecollinswood.com for details and photos of Michelle, San Agustinillo, and the library). We have 4 computers and 2 printers for the children and citizens of our town. At this writing we have the satellite for internet connection and area waiting installation. When you come to the library now you will see the children in the computer center doing their homework using the ENCARTA ENCYCLOPEDIA, which Angelo Azzola so generously installed; some kids are just browsing through it. There are lots ofvideos and sound programs. They especially like to play the national anthems of different countries! Articles about the 'sea and animals' top the list of most viewed videos. They also enjoy the educational games. Nine year old, Tania Mendez Olivera said at thelibrary yesterday “WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT THELIBRARY? Where would we do our homework?”

Other additions include a newly painted library with ceiling fans and newlighting (now you can actually see all the books, and the room is cool!). Desiree Herrmann and the children drew a new mural in the outside area. And Jan Modeland painted the frontof the Casa Municipal.

We have MANY new books. Thanks to Jackie Harveyand Mike and Kate Kelley, the Spanish children's section has increased by 800 books this year. Wecontinue to receive new books in all languages from friends and tourists.

Twenty four children participated in EL NIÑO Y LAMAR NATIONAL ART CONTEST 2005. Although this year wedid not have a winner, all of the children received diplomas for their participation.

Donations of art supplies have provided thechildren with hours of enjoyment drawing, painting,creating, etc. Robert Lewis once again provided Valentine activities for all this year.

We have been working closely with Desiree Herrman this year. She gives workshops for the children after hours, at the library. She is also volunteering in the computer room and using that resource for her workshops.

Many other people have given their time and talent to the library. In February, an international entertainment group (from Chile, France and Quebec) 'ALMA DEL SUEÑO', provided an afternoon of music,juggling, mime, face painting, etc., to the childrenat the library. Everyone enjoyed the special talentof this group.

Last, but most important, we want to thank all of you for your moral and financial support. Thislibrary would not exist if not for you. Maintaining the computer room will be a source of great expense this year, but we have confidence that we can handle it. We want it to be 'gratis' for all the children, residents of the town, and supporters of the library.(We are asking the children to play only 'educational' games and not to 'chat'.) Other internet offices can provide them with that luxury. We, as always, appreciate any support you can give: your time, expertise, books, supplies, or monetary.

The library is a source of joy for the community of San Agustinillo and its tourists, and for that we thank you.



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