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It was a glorious day in The City for the celebration. Nicer weather could not have been ordered from a Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Scott did you see your error in the link you posted. You missed the first [ The thing about Costa Rica is the rain. Especially in the summer on the pacific and the winter (or all the time?) on the Caribbean. That is the main reason Puerto Escondido is so good. The weather. And the waves of course. Don't get me wrong, Costa Rica is a winner. It has been a while since I was there but I thinby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Get off my Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
With driftpastic and Caroline Kennedy in Central park?by Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
I'm curious where everybody was when they heard Lennon was shot. Were you watching Monday Night Football when Howard Cosell informed the audience? I suppose That is why i remember where I was. Otherwise I probably would not Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Oh Dennis, oh wow. I can't believe you did it (jumping up and down). I should have known it would be you (holding head in hands). You are unbelievable. How did you know this? (Crying now) This is just insane. You are the man. Yeah!!!! Oh my god. Oh my god. oh my god. He did it. He did it. This has got to be the happiest day of my life. Oh god. (on the floor on my back clapping hands and feetby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
I found this to be really good on NPR this morning. Edit: The audio is better than just reading Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
It's a straw-man argument. Big government/little government are not the reasons. Nobody (I haven't heard anybody. They may exist though.) said they do or don't like Mexico because of big/small government. That is not the only reason to go to or like Mexico. It would be like saying; since the people of Arizona don't like Mexicans why would anybody from Arizona go to Mexico?by Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
This is a little complicated. I'll let you know what I think Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Technically it was two MRIs, one of which I didn't need but the MRI place forced me to have. All I needed was one with contrast but they forced me to have one without contrast also which the doctor did not even look Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Friday night humor... Tim James ran for Govenor for Alabama. He lost in the recent primary. He ran an ad here that made more than a couple people want to spoof. I found three them very funny. I hope you do to... Number one: Tim James - American English Number two: Tim James - Braille Number three: Tim James Ad Spoof Iby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
First, I agree with what you say about Jesse Jackson. He is an ass. Although he wan't really talking about politics in this instance but he could have been if given a chance. lol. Second, sure Gore may be a pig with what he consumes (i don't really know what the details are) but his message is still valid. Much more valid that the ostriches who claim since it was cold in Washington Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
This is the kind of thing that drive me to the edge. Like the "Death Panel" crazyness took me to the edge. It is so disingenous meant to scare people. And it works for a lot of people who can't really think well. QuoteSpeaking on the Gina Loudon radio program this afternoon, Congressional candidate Ed Martin told listeners that "we have to be very, very aware" of policby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Great message from the Democrats today. It should last through the election because it is accurate. Quote...on the other side of the ballot in November will be a party that has an economic theory, and it was tested, and it led to catastrophe. We lost 3 million jobs in the last six months of 2008. The financial market almost collapsed. They turned a $237 billion surplus that Bill Clinton left iby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
In the Washington Post Ezra Kline: You think the danger posed by the long-term deficit is overstated by most economists and economic commentators. James Galbraith: No, I think the danger is zero. It's not overstated. It's completely misstated. Ezra kline: Why? You will have to read the rest here. It is at least interesting. Is the guy correct? How would I know? Who is James K. Gaby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
As far as your lost computer stuff there is a story that Francis Ford Copola had his computer and external backup drive stolen with all his past @#$%& ans unpublished @#$%& as well. Back up to the cloud as well as an external hard drive and maybe a DVD mailed to some other location. I am sorry for you. It looks like some of your post was ripped off there... When I think about whether Obama isby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
I forgot to mention that I am really sorry you got your laptop ripped off. I cannot imagine a nightmare as bad as that would be. Hopefully your stuff was backed up. I am also trying to decide if I really should get into why I think what I do about Palin. It could be long Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
I only have a second here so I will comment on mine and your Fox News comment. I only asked because from what I understand, in Mexico (at least in Puerto Escondido), only Fox is available with CNN international. To a large extent Fox is way more extensive in the U.S. as well. It seems that a lot of people who have deep hatred for liberals are stuck with Fox and have no alternative. This is especiby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
So I ran across this post on a web site today that pretty much says what I have been saying. One thing that I have not come across is something that says just he opposite with any kind of reasoning. Anyway go check out this post to see some well thought out Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Ok so Paul Krugman has another Op-Ed piece in this past Thursday's New York Times. I was hoping that somebody would bring it up before I did. In the Op-Ed he discusses why it is not time to stop spending. I am not an economist and don't even play one on TV but I think Krugman knows what he is talking about. He has a Doctor's degree in economics. That has to count for something. Heby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
So Gri, tell me why you don't like Pelosi so much. I think comparing her to Palin is a real stretch. Give me some examples of why you don't like her. Also I wonder if you have any other political channel than Fox News. I'm serious . Do you have any alternative to Fox?by Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Republican philosophy: Run up deficits by cutting taxes for the rich and by feeding the military industrial complex and use said deficits as an excuse to cut SS and other programs that help the middle class. Grover Norquist: "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." Untilby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Phew (wiping the sweat off my brow)by Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Change your language in your windows settings?by Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Extremely interesting. Is it your field of expertise? Maybe the education system tries to be too general. Probably not. But why is it so dismal? Also there should probably more emphasis on trade schools. As far as the "protectionist" scheme etc as you described it, it is in relation to the U.S. but what about what China is doing. When they fail, because according to what you saidby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
To pay for a lot of the debt think "inflation." That is how a lot of it will be paid for. I remember when Bush was president before the second term a Republican cheerleader guy I know said that Bush's debt could just be paid for by printing money. Yup, he said it and he was Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum
Pedro the U.S. should demand that U.S. corporations not offshore jobs. Huge incentives should be given for manufacturing within the country. That is actually happening with the renewable energy programs but a lot of the stuff is being made in China. If it were made in the U.S. it would employ more people. But then giant corporations like Hewlett Packard would not be making the profits that they aby Puerto Bill - Off-Topic Forum