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I've seen a lot of games as well. A game isn't great when a quarterback fumbles the ball twice and throws three interceptions.by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
You can call it whatever you want but there will be no deal if Canada doesn't buy in. Source: Financial Post, July 26, 2018 "Mexican and Canadian officials said Wednesday that talks on the North American Free Trade Agreement will remain a three-way negotiation, despite suggestions by U.S. President Donald Trump that he might pursue separate trade deals with both countries. Mexby por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
Barbara Bush falls in the celebration of life category. The kids who died on the bus from Humboldt fall in the sad category.by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
What's so sad about it? She lived a good long life at 92, I'll be so lucky.by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
USA SPORTS Headline: Ban shootouts in gold-medal hockey games, because Olympics are about more than luckby por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
You did reply, but chose to edit it out.............moron.by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
Yep, that's all I got. Not going to lock horns with a moron.by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
What a load of crap. USA didn't win the game, they won a skills competition. Typical USA arrogance.by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
Do you really think politicians live up to campaign promises?by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
Points people, points. I'll take all bets, how many points are you SEA CHICKEN fans going to give me? Put your money where your mouth is.by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
Hey BIG shot D&D. How many points did you want to give me for a SEA SLUG win. No way, after today's performance, will they win the Super Bowl. Seriously, big shot.by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum
You can find everything at the Central Market, Los Mercados and the Guadalajara Pharmacy in Old Town. Absolutely no need to cross the river.by por nomas - Puerto Vallarta
I can handle it. Over half of the players in the NHL are Canadian anyway.by por nomas - Off-Topic Forum