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You think it is Hot? Kuwait today has 54C, everyone has taken to the water. While Whitehorse Yukon this morning has 10C, making a fire in the wood stove the morningby • por northernlights - Off-Topic Forum
Tnx for the update on Tenacatita and the excellent photos, Will bring garbage bags on our trip out.by • por northernlights - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
Kudos to Sparks, personally, I find he is first to respond to queries regarding celebrations for the area, and quick to answer most queries related to history of the area, directions, school functions etc. Dan Patman always very informative Thanks to bothby • por northernlights - Off-Topic Forum
Baseball Patti, or anyone else who might be involved with the baseball raffle. Could someone post the winners of the raffle on the oil painting, bottle of tequila and the photo cards Graciasby • por northernlights - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
Sandy L. well said, people from Canada certainly are not "wannabe Americans"by • por northernlights - Off-Topic Forum
I purchased a plan from Skype to call mobile phones in Mexico. I cannot connect to a cell phone in Nayarit. Is mobile the same as cell phone? I am using the 045 prefix, have tried 001, 01 and 011 in front of the 045. Does anyone have any suggestions?by • por northernlights - Test Forum