With the main road closed for the last long block before the muelle in Puerto Angel, those using public transportation might get a tad confused. For those here for only a short time, taxis will seem cheap when you arrive from the dollar economy. It's only later in your stay, when you start trying to figure out how to get in another month or so in Paradise, that you'll start scrimping on things to stay in the peso economy just a little bit longer. First, there are the Collectivo taxis. These cram four or five passengers into a Nissan Tsuru (or other sub-compact taxi) for a ride on a set route for a reduced fare. If you are going from Pochutla to Zipolite-San Augustinillo-Mazunte-La Ventanilla, you will be forced to change Collectivos in Puerto Angel. When it comes to Camionetas, some do only Pochutla-Puerto Angel; others do only Puerto Angel to Zipolite-San Augustinillo-Mazunte-etc; and some do the whole string. Destinations are usually posted on the front of the truck. These are normally 4 door Nissan Frontiers with wooden benches and a canvas cover over the bed. Those making only a portion of your journey will require a change in Puerto Angel. The last couple of days, they've pulled an old "Transportes Urbanos" mini-bus out of mothballs, and from the route info painted on the front, it seems to go EVERYwhere - Pochutla to La Vigia, on the road to Playa La Tijera, through Puerto Angel, and on through the little beach Paradises from Zipolite onward. Old, slow, rickety - but probably more comfortable than a wooden bench in the back of a pick-up... Advice? 1) Take the first thing headed your way. 2) If you have to transfer in Puerto Angel, slide into Tio Chilo's. Patty will sell you a beer cheap, and you can decide if you're hungry.
Thank You for the great info on the public transportation from Pochutla and all the way to Zipo and onward. It was very confusing the first couple of times we went there years ago...but we did finally get it figured out. Best advice as you said...just hop on whatever is going your way. At what time of day do they stop and start working on that Puerto Angel streach of road ? I will be staying very close to that block in Feb. But no noise could be as horrid as the music they played last Valentines day down on that corner where the street turns toward the muelle. If they start setting up in 2015 Valentines, I will be heading to Zipo for the nite. I think the roosters and dogs were all deaf for the next few days...no crowing nor barking !
Most days, the construction noise is no more than shovels, picks, and the occasional dump truck. The little gasoline concrete mixer isn't too loud; even the roller isn't too bad. But when they bring in the jackhammer to break the concrete for another concrete utility box, either the 4x4x4 or 4x6x8, it's time to go visit Playa Tijera or someplace! So far, Playa Panteon remains untouched. It's been a week or more since the last jackhammer session, but there are a few more 'cree boxes as yet unburried. The old Caseta China has been removed, and she's taken over the two storey restaurant next to the muelle - though still with much the same menu. Hortensia has opened the area just below the hotel, where the water truck was parked, to a group of taco and torta stands. Steps are just about finished to enter from just across the streek from Creperia Mil Amores, re-opening in a few days. The restaurant at Villa Florencia has moved back up a notch...
Thanx for the noise report. My only concern is night time noise as I luv my sleep...roosters do not bother me...only hate to hear dogs being beaten or attacked by other dogs . We have never been to Playa Tijera...years ago walked to Estacahuite from P. Angel , but the last years we have been frequenting La Boquilla..taking a cab or just the camioneta and then walk the 3 or so kilometers to La Boquilla. But sadly this past Feb we noted how the water seemed to be dirtier and the horrid quadrocycles have arrived. What is playa Tijera like ?..have not noticed where along Pochutla / Puerto Angel highway the side road to this beach is. Is there a community there if this Transportes Urbanos goes there ? How safe is the swimming...any trees for shade? How does it compare to La Boquilla ? We do not require any services as we can pack our own water, a snack and a cerveza or 2.
La Tijera is 10 km down a dirt road starting just past the old military base by El Cruce on Hwy 200. It'd be a rough walk; I can usually be talked into a trip there in the pick-up, though. There's not a lot of sand, but what there is is snow white. Most of the beach is round stones. There is a big monolithic rock just beyond the beach, then two rows of rocks going out to sea, like the blades of scissors (tijera). It's a beach for snorkelers and divers. More coral than Ixtacahuite; very complex marine life. There's an unroofed palapa frame, begging you to throw a tarp over it to provide shade. The leap-off community is called "La Vigia". grabbing a taxi there and setting up a pick-up time can be done. Hiring a fisherman to take you by boat also works. I'll try to snap and post some photos this week; the drive over the mountain is pretty spectacular.
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