2 years ago, we were in Mexico 4 times one winter, all over the Tomzap Empire. First 3 trips I was not effected, running to bathroom, the corner store for yogurt. The 4th trip, I am convinced my 14 yr. old daughter and I got the bug from the pool at the house we rented in Bucerias for 3 weeks. I have never been so ill, wanting to die, at times. My daughter actually collapsed, and I didn't have the strength to catch her, so we both ended up in a heap. My wife soaked her legs in the pool, but never got a mouthful, as my daughter and I did. I was actually getting alarmed. The landlord came by one afternoon, and took my wife to the local Pharmacia, and bought TREDA. He told me, within 6 hours, you won't be perfect, but should be able to keep toast and milk down. Nothing stayed put, and it is awful.
Needless to say, I have a bottle of TREDA with me, whenever I travel. Must buy a susitcase full, next trip.
Tip, Don't trust swimming pools, even though they appear pristine. Don't trust any beach, especailly Barra, Melaque, Tenactita, Manzanilla, either. In other words keep your gob shut.
One more thing, we always soak our fresh fruit and veggies in about 4 drops of Iodine, in 2 quarts of water, then a bottled water rinse. This is why I am convinced it was the pool.
Horrible illness, dehydrating, but nothing stays in or down. SO for those that say they have never been ill, I say, BUNK, or they see Mexico sitting in a bar, treating the mouthpiece on their Pacifico with a limon rubbed all over the mouthpiece. Bunk is the key word!