IP/Host • IP/Ordenador: ---.prod-infinitum.com.mx Date Registered • Fecha de registro: 17 Posts • Mensajes: 327
I quite enjoyed that little tune and for sure,the,"occupy," thing is a happening all over the world. the way it works in Canada with taking up stakes in a park would probably not even faze this wonderfull country we are in. quien sabe. Not really about Mexico and the area, but, just not yet, soon, good editing.
IP/Host • IP/Ordenador: ---.prod-infinitum.com.mx Date Registered • Fecha de registro: 15 Posts • Mensajes: 2,401
Jack Armstrong Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Occupy Wall Street is managed and controlled by > the very people it is supposed to be against."
I was sure that was so. Thanks for the clarification. Good for the economy too Jack.