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Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada

Posted by • Enviado por Zummie1954 
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Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 19, 2012 10:36PM
Obama administration denies plan to invade Canada

The State Department is denying that a planned closed-door meeting between U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Mexico Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa is about a secret plan to invade Canada.

read more here


To all my Canadian friends; When the invasion comes (you don't believe the denials I hope) PLEASE don't resist. No point enduring property destruction and loss of life since you know that the Mexicans and Americans will leave as soon as it starts getting cold there. Yes, we will retain the oil rights but hey, you did lose the war.
Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 19, 2012 10:51PM
Don't lettum kid ya. It's all about the jarabe maple. The gringos already cleaned out most of the reserves in Quebec, and if you want anything but (gag) Log Cabin, or Karo, you're going to have to pay through the snotbox.
Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 20, 2012 04:36AM
Not a chance of success Zummie...The first morning those troops get trapped in a Tim Hortons drive-thru, we'll release our packs of rabid polar bears on them.
Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 20, 2012 06:30AM
Relax -- they're just after Kabek Tabernack !!!
Anonymous User
Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 20, 2012 07:38AM
Yes, we do believe the denials Zummie although I think a plan was forming until Espinosa reminded everyone in the meeting what happened the last time it was tried. I refer to the war of 1812 of course when fearless Canadian troops kicked the collective asses of the invaders from the south the first time.

Canada won the War of 1812, U.S. historian admits.


Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 20, 2012 07:47AM

Chili Wacky Wrote:

> Canada won the War of 1812, U.S. historian
> admits.

> [news.nationalpost.com]
> -the-war-of-1812-u-s-historian-admits/
> Regards,
> Chili.

From your article about this "U.S. historian"

Cohen, who advised the Bush Administration on geopolitical strategy from 2007 to 2009...,

Do I really need to say more?
Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 20, 2012 07:58AM
And, if I am not mistaken, during the 1812 punch up, the Canadians burnt down the prestigious White House. Ask any war mongering country, they all know not to piss off a Canadian, or we'll send out our navy, comprised of 12 Walmart canoes, and 6 - 2 men kayaks, armed with ole Roll Up the Rim to Win mortars.
Anonymous User
Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 20, 2012 08:09AM
LOL....Wasn't my article. It came from the National Post. Let's face it, Cohen was the best adviser the White House ever had.

Now, if I wrote it, the whole truth would be told.

This could prove quite embarrassing to the invaders considering that they were turned back by a bunch of kids with a few well placed snowballs.
Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 20, 2012 08:16AM
I hope this never happens. I do not know how I could deal with Spanish added to French and English on my soup can.
Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 20, 2012 08:43AM
Ithink all you guys are wrong about what the USA and Mexico are after in Canada This is the real reason that we will be invaded [www.youtube.com]
Re: Mexico and USA secretly plan to invade Canada
September 20, 2012 02:08PM
Zummie wrote: "From your article about this "U.S. historian" Cohen, who advised the Bush Administration on geopolitical strategy from 2007 to 2009..., Do I really need to say more?"

Bush ? Is that that useless president that the US voted in twice. Once was not punishment enough. :o)
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