Another of the good ones has passed. The Andy Griffith show was just plain funny, with no obsenities, funny you could make people laugh without being vulgar.
Andy sure aged gracefully. I especially liked the pic of him sitting in his office in Mayberry with the Eagle on the desk and Old Glory in the background. Those were days when those items wouldnt "offend" anyone. Things have sure changed in his lifetime. He left only great memories behind. RIP!
It was sad, great actor and great man. Say L.T., did you know he was a lifelong Democrat who supported Obama and made a commercial touting the benefits of Medicare under the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare")? So, as you would say "BOHICA"! And as you would also say, LOL!
Everything in life isnt political. Grow up and stop trying to follow every comment I post as a private theatre to start controversy. If thats your ballgame and youre so hell bent on doing so look me up personally. LOL! paul falduto Wrote
Andy didn't act, he was being is natural self. No wonder he was always smiling, doing himself, and being paid well. Andy was suppose to be the silly ass in Andy of Mayberry show, but Don Knotts took over being the silly bugger, so Andy went through it being the straight man. Don Knotts was one of most comical people I can ever remember seeing. I can still break out laughing looking at the silly bugger. Can you imagine the out takes, or take outs(boners) there must have been while filming that, and the entire crew rolling on the ground? Yes, TV has come along way. It is about as ridiculously bad as bad can get! Hate to say it, at only 63, "Those were the days". Go to You Tube and entertain yourself with some Andy and Barny Fife. It's worth it,
Actually Reggie, you are incorrect, Andy Griffith was quite different than his character Andy Taylor. And yes, Loony Tunes, all is not political, but Andy Griffith lost quite of bit of his popularity with Obama opponents such as yourself when he did that commercial, so your political compatriots sure saw things as political. So don't shoot the messenger! And if I'm ever in Puerto Escondido, I will be sure to look you up! LOL and BOHICA to you too! Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2012 05:21PM by paul falduto. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. Lo siento, sσlo puedes enviar mensajes si estαs registrado.