[www.thefreedictionary.com] Feel free to go to the above link (page) and read the whole thing. Let's try and use the small words properly first and then move on to bigger words! Some of you need a kick in the "butt" then maybe you will use the correct "but" in your posts!!!!!!! Just saying!
As far as I know, this confusion started with buzzardwest, butt I could be wrong...... On another note, why are recent posts, such as this one, showing a time 4 hours from now? Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2012 08:03PM by paul falduto.
ok scot .....;)
At least you didn't waste any paper writing this. That was very "GREEN" of you, butt I'm pretty sure it won't be here for very long
Yesterday we smoked a cigar but but we didn't take our buts into the but hut to eat the nuts.......???? what the f&*k???? Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. Lo siento, sσlo puedes enviar mensajes si estαs registrado.