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Lets talk politics I am proud of him too
March 23, 2012 07:24AM
Re: Lets talk politics I am proud of him too
March 23, 2012 07:59AM
For those of us that are full time here, it might be interesting to see if there is any interest in CIVIL political discourse over the summer. By civil, I mean discourse of the intellectual sort that does not involve personal invective. I was thinking maybe those of us -- of all parties -- might get together for coffee or breakfast one morning every week. If you are interested, PM me and we can see if there is more than 1 of us...

If a group does form, we could use the typical format of every person having a set time to voice their opinions with respect to candidates and policy issues. The follow up is then for participants, without criticism, to ask for clarification, or to offer research. After the election, if there is still interest, we might want to take up policy issues, such as ideas as to how the government with respect to a particular area, could be made more effective.

As an example, I have been considering how resource agencies (in all countries/ at all political levels) could be made more efficient. There were, as an aside, 15 federal US agencies to herd during the salmon recovery efforts, not to mention a plethora of state, local and interest organizations.
Re: Lets talk politics I am proud of him too
March 23, 2012 08:31AM
Great Idea Carol. I wish I could be there. I too had a close encounter with the Pres in Las Vegas on Tuesday. I saw the C141 parked at the Exec Airport which was prepositioning his vehicles to take him to Boulder City for a speech on energy. I was pleased to hear him on NPR talking about going ahead and building the south end of the Keystone pipeline. I would much rather see the bulk or our tarsand oil go SOB CanUS than to China!
PS carol - how many are they getting out for Thurs Bridge these days?
Keep your stick on the ice and guys remember if the ladies dont find you handsome at least they should find you handy!!
Re: Lets talk politics I am proud of him too
March 23, 2012 01:33PM
Re: Lets talk politics I am proud of him too
March 23, 2012 02:45PM
Re: "I would much rather see the bulk or our tarsand oil go SOB CanUS than to China!"

Lew whatever will we do to yew¿ I respectfully disagree. Why sell "our" oil to Obama. He didn't want it and 3rd place stevie said, "$crew you Obama, I've got a yen to $ell this oil where I want and to the highe$t bidder!".

Yup after a lifetime of moving from the left farther left, I have found a Progressive Reformed Alliance Canadian prime minister who doesn't kiss Uncle Sam's skinny a$$! It's true all. I know my Canadian companeros won't believe this BUTT, the liberal kid and more liberal middle aged baby boomer witchita likes a Regressive Conservative prime minister now!!!

The Liberal Party of Canada has had a solid hold on Canada since it became a Dominion Beyond the Seas and had a few great PM's including a Nobel Peace for Peace and two brilliant minority PM's (one who couldn't speak eitherofficial language) in my lifetime but not one with the juevos like 3rd place stevie. Tho$e other guys needed America. It'$ all about what$ be$t for Canada with me now and you get what you buy $o 3rd place stevie has ignited my Canadian nationali$m and now he'$ my man¡

Just when things were starting to look up for me and reading in my paper this morning that half of Canadians want an NDP prime minister and I don't know what to do with my new-found blue streak¿ They don't even care who it is either¡ Canada has just taken a real hard left and witchita just taken a real hard right¡

Go ahead Obama. Build your pipeline. 3rd place stevie and mi are gonna stand firm¡ We took the ball and went home.
Re: Lets talk politics I am proud of him too
March 23, 2012 06:38PM
Which ... even though you are on ignore along with your loved ones ... I seriously hope you have alternate outlets for your sometime admirable rants. You are not a total wacko but TomZap is not the "Big Time" when it comes to expressing untapped genius. Visit the real world. You can live here but don't expect all to come from here.

Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre
Re: Lets talk politics I am proud of him too
March 23, 2012 09:12PM
I'm fine in my bed thanks sparky. Camping costs too much loot in Mexico for me to travel.
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