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March 13, 2012 09:25PM
Anonymous User
Re: Oh,...
March 13, 2012 10:58PM
Re: Oh,...
March 13, 2012 11:04PM
You don't get the irony?
Re: Oh,...
March 13, 2012 11:36PM
Yahoo!! What a great story, cartoon, and commentary on the character of America's #1 JERK!!
Re: Oh,...
March 14, 2012 06:10AM
Yes Doc. They beat war criminals with hockey sticks in Canada, often causing concussions.
Re: Oh,...
March 14, 2012 07:28AM
Re: Oh,...
March 14, 2012 09:36AM
Bush is just as guilty (or more) of war crimes but too stupid to not come to CANADA That very dangerous place. He visited here last year, I seem to recall.
Re: Oh,...
April 15, 2012 04:10PM
and winston churchill said the best arguement against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter
Re: Oh,...
April 18, 2012 08:20AM
I think Vancouver was on the list of places to go, but didn't he opt out, as there was a group of well educated Canadian scholars that insisted he be arrested and held for war crimes, committed in various locations around the world, but specifically, IRAQ? And to pull up your pants and leave the party with nothing,,,,, no OIL, and a whack of dead on both sides, and 1000,s of zombies roaming the streets of the USA, if they actaully had legs to roam.

The best thing that came out of that expensive bash, was Cretien, as limp wristed as he was, when invited to the mandatory participation by the USA, told Amercica to get stuffed.

Enjoy the recess folks, The Yanks have their sights on Iran, and that will be a real fisasco, as many foolish countries would love to get in on that gang bang!
Re: Oh,...
April 26, 2012 12:47PM
Reggie, are you saying there are also groups of just average educated or even uneducated Canadian scholars? Guess they got the cream of the crop in this group.
Re: Oh,...
May 03, 2012 08:12PM
Lamar Wrote:
> Reggie, are you saying there are also groups of
> just average educated or even uneducated Canadian
> scholars? Guess they got the cream of the crop in
> this group.

Lamar, that is the dumbest question I have ever heard in my entire life! That is a no-brainer man! Of course is the answer and, there are also groups of undereducated scholars and over-educated scholars in Canada. There are no differences in the people from either nation. It's just that Canada knows when to do what to do without being caught up in so called "war crimes. There is however, one Canadian who suffered cruel and unusual punishment in Guantanamo and the Canadian government was impotent in the matter as usual. They should have brought Bush Cheney and a few more before a law crimes tribunal! I would have! Why use Guatanamo? That's almost as dumb as your question! Would they not have to give that Canadian his american constitutional rights if they were on US soil?
Re: Oh,...
May 04, 2012 08:07AM
"Would they not have to give that Canadian his american constitutional rights if they were on US soil?"

A few years back there was a lengthy discussion in the media about the rights of a foreigner travelling in the US. The gist of it, if I remember correctly, is that since the US laws are based on the US constitution and the US constitution only applies to US citizens, foreigners travelling in the US have no rights.For Canadians travelling in the US the advice was that your only right is a call to your embassy.
Re: Oh,...
May 04, 2012 01:45PM
Well, Mr. Cheney did have a change of heart !!
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