Holy Jeebus...here we go....don't get me started...just remember those poor souls who lost their lives that day come 9/11/11...and all that have lost their lives since that fateful day...just sayin'... [www.911truth.org] Sucio [reinvestigate911.org] Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2011 03:17PM by miguel sucio.
deleted by author Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2011 03:53PM by Farkem.
""I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud"" And BTW, if YOU personally had beloved family members on but only ONE of those Scheduled Flightsβ¦.. WHO U N D E N I A B L Y DIEDβ¦β¦ then I βdareβ predict that you would NOT be describing The Events as, β10 years later we KNOW nothing about those planesββ¦β¦.. (EH)! Aka: Same Ol Same Ol = [www.youtube.com] ![]() And OHβ¦β¦. speaking of New Yorkβ¦β¦ Spainβs Nadal @ the U.S. Open (MY boy since his Junior Years!) has just kicked some SERIOUS ASS against the Yank βshoe inβ fav, Roddick!! ISR, we foreigners On The Outside Lookin In (from our βbizarre little information nicheβ) are yet again somewhat REassurred that the simple and PURE Sportsmanship Nobility of a simple (comparatively peaceful) Tennis Court can afford the (long overdue) Lessons In Humility that such tragically cruel BARBARISM of Al Qaeda Monsters has demonstrably failed to βinstructβ....... "for 10 years". IRS, may βGodβ Bless ALL of The Innocentsβ¦β¦. Worldwideβ¦β¦ regardless of WHOβS brand of global βbarbarismβ (via robotic electorate compliance) is being SUCCESSFULLY "employed"β¦..! Thus, βif given A Choiceβ (Yanks) = ![]() Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2011 06:13PM by KR.
. Edited 14 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/ 2011 03:55PM by Farkem. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/11/2011 10:00AM by Puerto Bill.
PB's erased his post, which asked, "What has this got to do with Puerto?" and he complained the moderator, which resulted in it being moved. Wimp. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/11/2011 11:39AM by Farkem.
The real wimps are the ones that are running scared whining about the murderous acts of terrorism launched against the U.S.A. ten years ago. Running scared allows the Islamic terrorists to win. After all thats what terrorism is all about. Planting fear. Plus forcing the most powerful nation on earth to spend untold billions of dollars to guard against the slimey little beadyeyed dunecoons. Alot more fundamentalist muslims need the bullet. Nice next target would be Iran while the artillery is nearby.
yeah farkem I'm a wimp. And you are a hypocrite.
PB: Sorry that I offended you. I apologize for my snarkiness. Either too much coffee, or not enough ...
Here's a hot new 9-11 link with a different take: [tragedyandhope.com] Check out Episode 039 for starters ....
Don't worry about Farkem. The topic was not relevant to Puerto and you are one of the first people if not the first person to point this out about other off topic subjects. It seemed odd that you would be so snarky. Not to worry though. We all sometimes click the send button too soon.
Apology accepted. However, the subject matter IS relevant to Puerto, because there ARE many permanent Puerto residents who are very interested in the topic. They are aware of all the contradictions, inconsistencies, and outright lies told about 9/11. All you have to do is look at the abundant evidence to make up your own mind. If you won't or don't, you are one of the Sheeple of America.
Apology??? I didn't apologize. I didn't do anything wrong. As far as this topic being relevant to Puerto you are wrong. If there are a few people interested in Tea Party rallies in North Dakota does that mean it is relevant to Puerto? Just because some people are interested in it and live in Puerto does not mean it is relevant to Puerto. You could say that about almost any topic. Your 9-11 conspiracy theories are not relevant to Puerto. They just are NOT. I am going to just leave it at that.
Well, I withdraw my "apology accepted," then. Glad you're not being snarky today. And I'll let you have the last word on THAT subject, since you are obviously THE authority on the subject. (Ask MiguelSucio for his opinion first, however.) You are apparently not sufficiently familiar with the subject matter to fully appreciate it. It's the readily apparent evidence of the coup d'etat currently underway in the U.S., where you live most of the year. And .... Where I don't. Do I hear a "Baah....baah"? Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2011 12:15PM by Farkem.
Well, between the two of you I wonder what the hell is going on. How to change the subject and start ragging on each other. Getting back to the original subject, I've seen enough to really start wondering. Hey guys, it's not all about you two!
There is actually no big conspiracy related to what happened ten years ago. The U.S.A was cowardly attacked without warning by fanatic muslim extremists. Resulting in a war being launched against the murderous bastards. It will not be concluded until the last one is eliminated from the face of the earth. So every patriotic American should be prepared to do his or her part 24/7! That starts with every one of us. Dont be silenced. If you see a suspicious looking muslim dont hesitate to point him out to authorities. Anywhere, Anytime. LOL
Too bad you don't know all the facts, LT. Try viewing some of the films above... then report back...
Crazy Farkem arguing with crazy L.T. Too funny!
LOL, who are "fans" of the 9/11 Conspiracy theory? "Hello my name is Joe Blow. I love conspiracies. I'm a huge fan of conspiracies. Want to join my conspiracy group?" The word "fan" come from the word fanatic, Noun 1. fanatic - a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause); "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"--Winston Churchill You are proud of being irrational? Do you even know the difference between fact and theory? Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2011 11:42PM by Xtremesurf.
Yeah n the CIA done JFK too. Only conspiracy connected to WTC Day (Using 9/11 is to damn close to 1911 and is very insulting to my beloved Colt 1911 45 ACP Thank You!) is the conspiracy the American PC liberal puindit corps brought the world by falsely labeling the murderous bastards as a peace loving religion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Kill em all and let God sort em out is my true belief. Maybe someone will charge me with a hate crime. I sure as hell hope so because thats the way I feel. Good thing is theres not any damn terrorist training center mosques in these parts. And I hope there never is! Let the liberals in NYNY argue about where to install those shitholes.
[www.brasschecktv.com] [beforeitsnews.com] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/22/2011 01:01PM by Farkem.
har har har... I don't know shit, but I also don't know how building #7 fell down when it was soooo far away
Larry Silverstein, who actually owned the Twin Towers complex on 9-11, is on recorded news video discussing Building 7, and says he was talking with Fire Dept. brass about the building (which housed CIA, DEA, NSA, FBI, etc.) and he says, "we decided to pull it." "Pull it" in demolition-speak means to bring the building down through controlled demolition. And if you, note Building 7 fell exactly the way the twin towers fell, strong evidence they too were intentionally brought down. There is a TON of evidence supporting this premise. And none supporting the official explanation. The evidence of government complicity and coverup is thick throughout this entire incident. You have to be blind to the truth not to suspect something is very, very wrong here. The official cover story is falling apart at the seams.
Farkem Wrote
C,mon Farkem, Surely if you cant beat that you would at least let the dead rest in peace. Wellsones pilot was a half blind pilot that I wouldnt trust to fly a remote control toy plane for my kids. Plus he was recorded twice coming in at below or very close to stall speed. On top of that the silly Wellstone wasnt a threat to anyone anyway. Why zap him outa the sky with a Darth Vader laser? Hahaha Get back with us with something a bit more substanmtial ok? Hahaha ROFLMFAO Again! LOL! Page Pαgina 1 of de 2 Pages Pαginas: 12
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