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Sandbagging,,,bagging,,,and more bagging

Posted by • Enviado por iowamex 
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Sandbagging,,,bagging,,,and more bagging
June 07, 2011 01:06PM
4.3 million bags and counting. That's what we've bagged here in the Siouxland region even with yesterday's and today's temps at 100 F. It's a war zone. We've been getting ready for the big invasion and now it's started. Flood stage 30 ft.- today 31.8 - June 16 predicted 36+ ft. The "Mighty Mo" wants to compete w/ Big Brother on the eastern side of Iowa. Once it gets to 36 ft. it's supposed to stay that way for 6 wks.

To those in Barra, too bad we can't get these bags to you when we're done with them in a couple of months (we hope).

Check out this site if you'd like to see 100,000+ people arming up to fight their friend turned enemy.

SD-IA-NE flood link
Flood updt on sandbagging etc.

Sunday I was sandbagging w/Mexicans on one side of me and African Muslim women in full Muslim dress on the other side of me.
Re: Sandbagging,,,bagging,,,and more bagging
June 07, 2011 05:06PM
We hope you and yours are safe.
Re: Sandbagging,,,bagging,,,and more bagging
June 07, 2011 06:55PM
You say "when you are done with them" about the sandbags.
Does that mean the possible flooding is a "once in a lifetime" thing?
I though it was a pretty regular occurrence.

Howard Platt, Manzanillo
Re: Sandbagging,,,bagging,,,and more bagging
June 07, 2011 09:43PM
Thanks Buzzard. We're high and dry on the bluff side but a few of our friends have had to evacuate. Problem is the water's not supposed to subside til September due to the dams up river increasing their flow to record levels for the next six weeks or more.

Howard - They said the last time the Missouri REALLY flooded here in Sioux City was in 1952. This 2011 one started out as a 100 year flood and now they're calling it possibly a 500 yr flood. So much for the dams on an obstinate river and trying to get too close to Mother Nature. Said the flood will be good for the birds. Also had a hazy day today which they said was caused by the huge Arizona forest fires.
Re: Sandbagging,,,bagging,,,and more bagging
June 09, 2011 08:33PM
Anybody up there with ties to the municipo de La Huerta?
Re: Sandbagging,,,bagging,,,and more bagging
June 10, 2011 03:35PM
A few families that I know of. A couple of them are from little ranchos between La Huerta and Casimiro Castillo. I think Andres Ramirez(?) from Bungalows Itzel has friends/family living around the Sioux City area also.
Re: Sandbagging,,,bagging,,,and more bagging
June 13, 2011 07:00PM
I see the battle continues up there.

Down here, we are hoping that Municipio de La Huerta will achieve a direct and significant role in reestablishing a public presence at Tenicatita.
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