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WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...

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Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 21, 2010 07:45AM
left out the black helicopters...
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 21, 2010 03:08PM
If you wrap your head with tin foil it will protect you from this government invasion.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 22, 2010 04:48AM
Jack Armsrong,

You have all your ducks in a row!
We,Us,and You know what "They're going after next"?
American's living full time in Mexico not spending their US dollars in the states!
Flat TAX!
It's Coming and it's COMING After US........We......&.....YOU.....NEXT!
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 22, 2010 08:51AM
Dry House Wrote:
> left out the black helicopters...

Predictable response. It would be better for all of us if you entertained the path of self education, instead. Try not to watch so much purchased, corporate mainstream TV, please.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2010 09:06AM by Jack Armstrong.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 22, 2010 08:59AM
Chubasco1954 Wrote:
> If you wrap your head with tin foil it will
> protect you from this government invasion.

You act like I would bother wasting my time posting something that was not well-researched or already well-understood. Perhaps that is the way you work, but please don't assume I work like you do.

I have more than ample amounts of hard, concrete evidence. In fact, a simple web search or two on some of the keywords in my post might open up a brand new world for you. Ever consider doing that, instead of reaching for the brainwashed, regurgitated response?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2010 09:08AM by Jack Armstrong.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 22, 2010 09:11AM
dave-the-wave~ Wrote:
> Jack Armsrong,
> You have all your ducks in a row!
> We,Us,and You know what "They're going after
> next"?
> American's living full time in Mexico not spending
> their US dollars in the states!
> Problem?
> Flat TAX!
> It's Coming and it's COMING After
> US........We......&.....YOU.....NEXT!

I appreciate your support Dave, but please try to write something more legible, in a cohesive sentence. Your post seems a little excitable and not very believable because of the way you wrote it. Maybe supply some well-researched information that people can use, that makes sense to them.


Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
October 22, 2010 09:19AM

Jack Armstrong Wrote:
> Chubasco1954 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If you wrap your head with tin foil it will
> > protect you from this government invasion.
> You act like I would bother wasting my time
> posting something that was not well-researched or
> already well-understood. Perhaps that is the way
> you work, but please don't assume I work like you
> do.
> I have more than ample amounts of hard, concrete
> evidence. In fact, a simple web search or two on
> some of the keywords in my post might open up a
> brand new world for you. Ever consider doing that,
> instead of reaching for the brainwashed,
> regurgitated response?


As you can see I back up my work with pictures and an internet citation. You did neither.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 02, 2010 12:45PM
Chubasco 1954 --

If you attack, intentionally antagonize, and then don't show up to a civilized debate with anything worthwhile, shouldn't you be banned from this forum already?

I'm really very sorry that your father beat the living crap out of you when you were an innocent little child. Please try not to make that my problem, because it isn't. May I recommend not advertising your personal issues with a neon sign, so that people like me can serve you up like sushi in a public forum?


Reference this:

http://www.green-agenda.com (includes 100% fully sourced documentation on the site). By the way, don't forget to read it.

Provide your documented sources to demonstrate that the numerous UN documents quoted on the above web site do not actually exist.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2010 12:58PM by Jack Armstrong.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 02, 2010 01:56PM
Just loosen the foil a little so some blood can make it to your brain and you will feel a lot better.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 02, 2010 02:01PM
ya, I think tin foil on the head is a good idea Chubasco...... :) I'll try that first rather than worry about something I have no control over.
Sorry Jack, I know you asked us not to reply.....
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 02, 2010 02:16PM
Care to inform all of us with your sources of fact-based knowledge, instead of wasting our time here with grade school antics that clearly indicate the state of your mental condition? Anyone with the need to antagonize at that level has obviously lived the life of a wounded animal. Do you really need to advertise this again and again?

Again, do not make this my problem. I do not own it -- you do. I'm not into "sharing" if you know what I mean. But thanks for the invitation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2010 02:17PM by Jack Armstrong.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 02, 2010 02:23PM
Rbacardi Wrote:
> ya, I think tin foil on the head is a good idea
> Chubasco...... :) I'll try that first rather
> than worry about something I have no control over.
> Sorry Jack, I know you asked us not to reply.....

I see. So if the information provided is not worth antagonizing since it may be correct, then it's not worth paying attention to. Why bother responding then? To further antagonize because that's the only appropriate response?

Other responses do exist. Such as intelligent ones.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2010 02:25PM by Jack Armstrong.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 02, 2010 02:32PM
I do not doubt your information is correct.
Please advise what I can do about it here in Mexico
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 12:57PM

Jack Armstrong Wrote:
> Care to inform all of us with your sources of
> fact-based knowledge, instead of wasting our time
> here with grade school antics that clearly
> indicate the state of your mental condition?
> Anyone with the need to antagonize at that level
> has obviously lived the life of a wounded animal.
> Do you really need to advertise this again and
> again?
> Again, do not make this my problem. I do not own
> it -- you do. I'm not into "sharing" if you know
> what I mean. But thanks for the invitation.

Jack is right, here is the proof

Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 01:13PM
damn you, zummie...i watched 4min90seconds of that film and now i'm afraid...and i'm going to get more gasoline for my generators...

that lady took some really good LSD before she started talking!
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 01:22PM
I think you will be safe down there but to be sure check with Jack.

Dry House, the video is 7 minutes long so you need to watch the last 2 as this is the most important part.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2010 01:32PM by Chubasco1954.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 03:12PM
"Enjoy Mexico while you can still travel freely, without much difficulty -- except for being bombarded with cancer-causing radiation from a full body scanner, though you may still opt out of that at the airport, if you aren't afraid of intentional public humiliation."

This is a "at the beach forum" so the intentional public humiliation alluded to is a bit fuzzy, Eh.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 03:20PM
so zummmie...eh, if you don't make it, can i have your boat?
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 04:12PM
You can have the boats so long as you honestly tell us what you were primarily looking at for the majority of this video

Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 04:51PM
Well obviously Dry (being presumably a heterosexual male) was looking at the blond whack job. Jeez, Jon where do you dig these clips up? lol
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 05:17PM
she looked sort of high to me...not a bad look for a big busted blonde...great teeth, and some out of place chuckles...and the reptilian plot is out of this world!

god, i could be a film critic...
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 05:24PM
drift from the original subject?
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 05:28PM
A form of demented entertainment?
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 07:02PM
Serious problem with Satanic Judges in Canada

Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 07:08PM
oh man...all i can do is go to tenacatita tomorrow with the kayaks...

ck in later...we heard it might be open...
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 10:31PM
Let's talk American People. I like everyone and most of my friends also have a free mind of their own and do what they want. Those that won't travel to MEX also don't travel too far from home., People.who tell me they wouldn't go to MEX take cruises as they feel they are safe as they are afraid to travel outside the country, I have two friends going to MEX, one in Jan and one on a cruise in Nov. So I am just one person who is a US citizen who knows 2 people going there. I plan to go to Aldagondes while I am in AZ so guess that's three...
Probably the most reasonable reason why the travel to MEX is down is because a good percentage of Americans are unemployed or are in the middle of losing their homes so if they loved MEX and used to go there and now don't it's because they just don't have the $$$$.
Basically, the gov can give all the warnings they want but no mun, no fun.
Last time I talked to some Canadians they told me they can go to Cuba and it is very nice and Mex was getting to be too expensive so they were thinking of going there next visit.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 05, 2010 11:47PM
The main reason American travel is down plain and simple, they have no jobs, they are losing their homes. No mun, no fun. Doesn't matter what the travel warning are they just have too many problems at home here.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 06, 2010 04:36AM
Wow -------------------------- "Jerry Fletcher is a man who sees conspiracies everywhere. But if you keep doing that long enough, sooner or later you're going to get one right... " [www.imdb.com]
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 08, 2010 04:30AM
Rbacardi Wrote:
> I do not doubt your information is correct.
> Please advise what I can do about it here in
> Mexico

Pray to Charles Darwin.
Re: WOW, the American government sure do want their citizens spending their vacation dollars at home...
November 08, 2010 05:01AM
Chubasco1954 Wrote:
> Jack Armstrong Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Care to inform all of us with your sources of
> > fact-based knowledge, instead of wasting our
> time
> > here with grade school antics that clearly
> > indicate the state of your mental condition?
> > Anyone with the need to antagonize at that
> level
> > has obviously lived the life of a wounded
> animal.
> > Do you really need to advertise this again and
> > again?
> >
> > Again, do not make this my problem. I do not
> own
> > it -- you do. I'm not into "sharing" if you
> know
> > what I mean. But thanks for the invitation.
> Jack is right, here is the proof
> [www.youtube.com]
> =player_embedded#!

I'm sincerely sorry you were abused as a child, Chubasco. When you can't have a worthwhile discussion and you automatically resort to antagonism at all costs, you have some serious personal issues to work on. I feel for you, brother. Your posts are comical at a superficial level and appeal to the base animal instinct, but that's about it.

Keep hitting the bottle, and maybe all that pain and anger will go away...

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2010 05:14AM by Jack Armstrong.
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