IP/Host IP/Ordenador: 107.77.105.--- Date Registered Fecha de registro: 11 Posts Mensajes: 283
Trump has already said he's getting rid of Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House. Wow! Last I looked Mr. Ryan was elected by the people in his district to represent them in congress. Last I looked Mr. Ryan was elected by the house of Representatives to be speaker of the house. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure dictator elect Trump can't remove Mr. Ryan from either of those things. Looks like Il Duce Trump is out for a little payback.
IP/Host IP/Ordenador: ---.mycingular.net Date Registered Fecha de registro: 11 Posts Mensajes: 283
Oh, did I do a Trumpism? Maybe someone should fact check me so I can double down on this Ryan thing. Trump says "Paul Ryan is done as Speaker of the house, he is so done, so done." What's good for the goose......