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Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 08, 2016 07:24PM
The US dollar floated around 18.48-.54 for a few days but has jumped to 19.19 at 8:30 tonight as Florida looks like it might go toward Trump...whew!
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 08, 2016 09:21PM
"The Mexican peso was down over 12% against the dollar to as low as 20.75 after having rallied to as high as 18.16 earlier in the evening"...this kind of instability is downright scary... 12% change in the value in just a few hours... and it isn't over yet kiddies. Canadian dollar is in lockstep at over 15 now

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2016 10:04PM by MortimerSnerd.
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 03:50AM
It looks like ex pats are the only winners. OMFG!
A line from Robert Service-s ... Sam McGee poem often comes to mind at a time like this.
" The northern lights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest the ever did see,
(Was the night ever so long,
The elected the don,
And brought naught but demagoguery)
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 05:28AM
Buckle your seatbelts America...............there's gonna be turbulence!
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 06:21AM
I'm a little concerned that if my newly elected pres follows through on his wall rhetoric and tries seizing Mexican assets to pay for it that Mexico will retaliate by seizing American assets, bank accounts, homes, etc.....and the expat communities will shrink accordingly, could be trouble ahead. I crossed into Mexico 2 days ago and am in Zacatecas now. I'm wondering if these election results will have any adverse effects along the border.
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 06:44AM
I worry about my Mexican Citizenship. As tenuous as it is, the Mexican government, if royally pissed off by the terms of the wall, could easily void the citizenship of all naturalized citizens from the US. It would be just another one of the laws/rules on how our Mexican citizenship can be revoked.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/09/2016 06:45AM by bill gilbert.
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 09:39AM
Gee. I thought the election had nothing to do with the costalegre.
Better move this topic like the others :)
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 09:49AM
Come on people no one's going to seize anyone's property or bank accounts. Mexico needs the US and visa versa. It will all come together and everything will be fine.
Like Mark Twain said "If our votes mattered the government wouldn't let us do it"
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 10:23AM
noone saw this coming.we what can president trump achieve he got the house and senate on his side. the peso is on a free fall but not for long so enjoy it while you can. mexican government had taken steps already. as for revoking citizenship that wont happen.that only happens in case of murder or insulting the government banks included.lets see what the next 100 days will bring. jean and i are leaving soon for Bolivia peru and chile . the currency of these countries are not affected as mexico
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 10:41AM
Highly unlikely that the U.S. Congress will appropriate the $$$ to build Trump's wall. Time will tell.
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 11:42AM
The wall was always a figurative one, not made out of bricks like everything in Mexico is. 'A country without strong borders is not a country' (Trump)
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 11:44AM
Well, Trumph-s wall needs a name. All I can think of is muro imperialista. Surely this panel can come up with something better.

At 0430, I didn-t turn on the TV to see that Clinton won, I went to Huffpost. Expecting a possible Hillary landslide, I almost had to change the bed sheets when I saw the unbelievable happened. I already knew the potential of a fool and the social media... ;)
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 01:06PM
The biggest losers in this election are the mainstream media and the pollsters who have lost all credibility.
Now they're all re-applying the brown lipstick and hoping the public has a short memory.
Actually they do....
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 01:12PM
Why modΓ©rator not closing this topic?
If you let message of People Who are in disbeliefe,
You have to let message about People Who are happy,because there a lot and I am one of them!
To the clinton supporter,try to understand,not to judge!
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 05:51PM
I live here and, particularly this election is important to all residents, Canadians and Americans and Mexicans and everyone who even cares about Mexico has cause for alarm and may wish to share with everyone on the real boaed. It can-t help but matter!!! That Nancy can-t see that is really no surprise to me though.
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 06:39PM
I'm having two tequila shots right now. One for Trump and one for me ! Whoopie!!!
Re: Peso Yo Yo During Vote Returns
November 09, 2016 07:42PM
The peso is on the soar just now gaining 7\8 of what it lost in 3 weeks and the loonie took a small slip to the bottom out its 2 month, 5 cent decline.

Quote "All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy."
Spike Milligan
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