[www.youtube.com] This is the poisonous, predictable result of a desperate US military that has increasingly recruited soldiers with criminal/gang backgrounds to fight in iraq. this also includes mexican nationals who are promised US citizenship in exchange for military service. welcome home soldiers! Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2009 05:52PM by inspector hound.
From newscasts it appears violence has taken over Cuernavaca and the state of Morelos. Anyone in that area should exercise extreme caution. Anything could happen.
A little perspective: Twenty years ago our Marina neighborhood in San Francisco and the rest of the Bay Area was heavily damaged by an earthquake. If one based their beliefs on the news reports broadcast elsewhere at that time, one would have thought it was total devastation. It was not and we had to field worried calls for friends and family elsewhere to assure them that, fortunately, we and our apartment still existed. We just booked a two week rental in Tepotzlan, near Cuernavaca in the state of Morelos. We will be cautious, as always but hardly fearful.
they're searching for Info!
Your problem in the Cuernavaca zone now is not violence, it's military checkpoints with intensive searches--under your seats, body frisk etc. But mexico can expect headlines elsewhere: there will be continued retaliation and brutal power struggles to control the narco biz now that Beltran Leyva is dead. I would avoid public events during the holidays in DF and other urban zones, but Pto Escondido should be cool. ps Mort give me a ring now you're back in the area. Desplegará SSPDF operativo con 10 mil 790 policÃas por Nochebuena México.- La policÃa capitalina desplegará mañana un operativo especial de vigilancia y vialidad a cargo de 10 mil 790 uniformados apoyados en mil 816 patrullas, con motivo de las actividades y celebraciones de la Nochebuena en la ciudad. La SecretarÃa de Seguridad Pública del Distrito Federal (SSPDF) informó que el operativo, que tiene por objetivo garantizar la integridad fÃsica y patrimonial de los ciudadanos, arrancará a partir de las 6:00 horas de mañana y se mantendrá hasta que concluyan todas las festividades. Entre las acciones que se contemplan está el reforzar la seguridad en sitios de alta concentración como mercados, tiendas departamentales, tianguis y romerÃas. También incrementará la vigilancia en las inmediaciones de bares, restaurantes, antros y discotecas, entre otros lugares de esparcimiento. La estrategia incluye también el reforzar la seguridad y control de estacionamientos en torno a zonas y unidades habitacionales con el fin de evitar el robo a casa habitación, actos vandálicos y alteraciones al orden público. En estos operativos participarán elementos de las direcciones generales de Proximidad, Metropolitana, Inspección Policial, de Helicópteros, asà como de la SubsecretarÃa de Control de Tránsito y del Escuadrón de Rescate y Urgencias Médicas (ERUM). La SSPDF recordó a la ciudadanÃa que en caso de cualquier denuncia o emergencia pueden comunicarse al Centro de Atención del Secretario (CAS) en el número telefónico 5208-98-98. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/23/2009 02:19PM by inspector hound.
Yeah I am sure they are, get a life your anything but hilarious. You should hear what they say about you at the water fountain. Straight to the point, as a result of favors done by various incorrigible people by requests from the sewer less city, I am aware two people are in jail and going to prison for life and one was assassinated by the same people who are part of the group of those who asked the favors. Do you follow me or is that wood burning?.... if you do not understand you are either a good person or have not been advised of past events. O.K. I'll continue..... Not to point fingers too conspicuously, it would be bad taste so we just recognize them as a "group" of bad people who are highly recognized in the forum. All this could not have happened without the discovery of an accurate and non abridged Who's Who encyclopedia of corruption in Mexico and especially the ungovernable state of anarchy Oaxaca, Vera Cruz Tabasco and many more. Like domino's leading to other discovered ledgers of highly detailed information, there simply is not enough prisons or personnel to incarcerate all the politicians, attorneys, federal-municipal police, PGR, narcos and army involved. Now many on the list will be extinguished by their own ranks in fear of revealing more information. Back to the story: One day they they come to my doorstep, knife in their hand, the others guns and the driver looking on. Apparently by the wish of God, the "Instant Karma Is Going To Get You" effect took hold, now a short time later two are in prison for life and the other is sucking dirt. I call that justice even if Karma took seven months, and all by their own hand. Steal shit from good people and that's the consequence brought forth by the 10% of people in Mexico that pay taxes, those who lock the door, seals their fate and makes immunity a here today gone tomorrow temporary gift. So keep praying, mumbling cantations, burning candles, sticking pins in dolls or making telephone calls....it eventually works...... I don't think Mexico is out of control, its going just where the U.S. and Mexico wants them, fighting international troops that don't loose. Violence is just a way of the drug subcultures way of saying were scared of being caught, obliterated......... the more violence the closer they are to their self destructive end, it is a cry to speed up the process. Now its run to Guatemala or be eventually gunned down or imprisoned because the corrupt federal police agencies (all of them) cant help much anymore because the dime has been dropped. Merry Christmas and yes it is going to get worse, but the government is going to win faster ( less than the proposed 30 years) than you think at the expense of allot of blood especially at ground zero. Who wants to wait for that ????? only those that have no choice...or I.D. Info has spoken, the painful truth ..again. so you better not pout you better not cry its not the marines on the payroll that are gonna come by ....blah blah blah..... .................. Santa Says "I wouldn't go home this Christmas if you were naughty, because it wont be me coming down the chimney." P.S. and you know theres actually a political party that wants to abolish all taxes......duh, guess where they fit in... more anarchy please. Its nice to be a good person.
All the way to the top it goes. Banks control American politics and now who controls the banks? The only winner in the narco civil war--or the mideast for that matter-- is the arms industry. "Drug Money Saved Banks in Global Crisis, Claims UN Advisor" Drugs and crime chief says $352bn in Criminal Proceeds was Effectively Laundered by Financial Institutions by Rajeev Syal Drugs money worth billions of dollars kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global crisis, the United Nations' drugs and crime tsar has told the Observer. Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, said he has seen evidence that the proceeds of organised crime were "the only liquid investment capital" available to some banks on the brink of collapse last year. He said that a majority of the $352bn (£216bn) of drugs profits was absorbed into the economic system as a result. This will raise questions about crime's influence on the economic system at times of crisis. It will also prompt further examination of the banking sector as world leaders, including Barack Obama and Gordon Brown, call for new International Monetary Fund regulations. Speaking from his office in Vienna, Costa said evidence that illegal money was being absorbed into the financial system was first drawn to his attention by intelligence agencies and prosecutors around 18 months ago. "In many instances, the money from drugs was the only liquid investment capital. In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the banking system's main problem and hence liquid capital became an important factor," he said. Some of the evidence put before his office indicated that gang money was used to save some banks from collapse when lending seized up, he said. "Inter-bank loans were funded by money that originated from the drugs trade and other illegal activities... There were signs that some banks were rescued that way." Costa declined to identify countries or banks that may have received any drugs money, saying that would be inappropriate because his office is supposed to address the problem, not apportion blame. But he said the money is now a part of the official system and had been effectively laundered. "That was the moment [last year] when the system was basically paralysed because of the unwillingness of banks to lend money to one another. The progressive liquidisation to the system and the progressive improvement by some banks of their share values [has meant that] the problem [of illegal money] has become much less serious than it was," he said. The IMF estimated that large US and European banks lost more than $1tn on toxic assets and from bad loans from January 2007 to September 2009 and more than 200 mortgage lenders went bankrupt. Many major institutions either failed, were acquired under duress, or were subject to government takeover. Gangs are now believed to make most of their profits from the drugs trade and are estimated to be worth £352bn, the UN says. They have traditionally kept proceeds in cash or moved it offshore to hide it from the authorities. It is understood that evidence that drug money has flowed into banks came from officials in Britain, Switzerland, Italy and the US. British bankers would want to see any evidence that Costa has to back his claims. A British Bankers' Association spokesman said: "We have not been party to any regulatory dialogue that would support a theory of this kind. There was clearly a lack of liquidity in the system and to a large degree this was filled by the intervention of central banks." © 2009 Guardian News and Media Limited
Can anybody explain what the info1 post is saying?
He's one unhappy camper ...
Soon to be a major motion picture, "Tales from the Mexican Pipeline". use your decoder ring and stay tuned.
So what does most of the above comments have to do with the hotels, restaurants, the best playas, where to find the coldest cervesa, and what you want to know about PE for a great 10 to 20 day stay? Don't think most of the tourists really are concerned. I've got by great for the past 11 years not worrying about the politics of the area. Just keep your nose clean, smile, and share your cold beer! Greybeard Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2009 04:57PM by old greybeard 2.
wise old grey beard
Some who just wandered in, are at a loss. But not all those who wander are lost. I'll have another beer here too, victoria indio sol, and make a Christmas toast to this clever archaeologist who shows how things are more connected than you'd expect: "Brewing Up a Civilization" By Frank Thadeusz Did our Neolithic ancestors turn to agriculture so that they could be sure of a tipple? US Archaeologist Patrick McGovern thinks so. The expert on identifying traces of alcohol in prehistoric sites reckons the thirst for a brew was enough of an incentive to start growing crops. It turns out the fall of man probably didn't begin with an apple. More likely, it was a handful of mushy figs that first led humankind astray. Here is how the story likely began -- a prehistoric human picked up some dropped fruit from the ground and popped it unsuspectingly into his or her mouth. The first effect was nothing more than an agreeably bittersweet flavor spreading across the palate. But as alcohol entered the bloodstream, the brain started sending out a new message -- whatever that was, I want more of it! Humankind's first encounters with alcohol in the form of fermented fruit probably occurred in just such an accidental fashion. But once they were familiar with the effect, archaeologist Patrick McGovern believes, humans stopped at nothing in their pursuit of frequent intoxication. A secure supply of alcohol appears to have been part of the human community's basic requirements much earlier than was long believed. As early as around 9,000 years ago, long before the invention of the wheel, inhabitants of the Neolithic village Jiahu in China were brewing a type of mead with an alcohol content of 10 percent, McGovern discovered recently. McGovern analyzed clay shards found during excavations in China's Yellow River Valley at his Biomolecular Archaeology Laboratory for Cuisine, Fermented Beverages, and Health at the University of Pennsylvania Museum. The bearded archaeologist is recognized around the world as an expert when it comes to identifying traces of alcoholic drinks on prehistoric finds. He ran so-called liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry on the clay remnants from Asia and found traces of tartaric acid -- one of the main acids present in wine -- and beeswax in the shards' pores. It appears that prehistoric humans in China combined fruit and honey into an intoxicating brew. Clever Survival Strategy Additionally, plant sterols point to wild rice as an ingredient. Lacking any knowledge of chemistry, prehistoric humans eager for the intoxicating effects of alcohol apparently mixed clumps of rice with saliva in their mouths to break down the starches in the grain and convert them into malt sugar. These pioneering brewers would then spit the chewed up rice into their brew. Husks and yeasty foam floated on top of the liquid, so they used long straws to drink from narrow necked jugs. Alcohol is still consumed this way in some regions of China. McGovern sees this early fermentation process as a clever survival strategy. "Consuming high energy sugar and alcohol was a fabulous solution for surviving in a hostile environment with few natural resources," he explains. The most recent finds from China are consistent with McGovern's chain of evidence, which suggests that the craft of making alcohol spread rapidly to various locations around the world during the Neolithic period. Shamans and village alchemists mixed fruit, herbs, spices, and grains together in pots until they formed a drinkable concoction. But that wasn't enough for McGovern. He carried the theory much further, aiming at a complete reinterpretation of humanity's history. His bold thesis, which he lays out in his book "Uncorking the Past. The Quest for Wine, Beer and Other Alcoholic Beverage," states that agriculture -- and with it the entire Neolithic Revolution, which began about 11,000 years ago -- are ultimately results of the irrepressible impulse toward drinking and intoxication. "Available evidence suggests that our ancestors in Asia, Mexico, and Africa cultivated wheat, rice, corn, barley, and millet primarily for the purpose of producing alcoholic beverages," McGovern explains. While they were at it, he believes, drink-loving early civilizations managed to ensure their basic survival. A Hybrid Swill Archaeologists have long pondered the question of which came first, bread or beer. McGovern surmises that these prehistoric humans didn't initially have the ability to master the very complicated process of brewing beer. However, they were even more incapable of baking bread, for which wild grains are extremely unsuitable. They would have had first to separate the tiny grains from the chaff, with a yield hardly worth the great effort. If anything, the earliest bakers probably made nothing more than a barely palatable type of rough bread, containing the unwanted addition of the grain's many husks. It's likely, therefore, that early farmers first enriched their diet with a hybrid swill -- half fruit wine and half mead -- that was actually quite nutritious. Neolithic drinkers were devoted to this precious liquid. At the excavation site of Hajji Firuz Tepe in the Zagros Mountains of northwestern Iran, McGovern discovered prehistoric wine racks used to store airtight carafes. Inhabitants of the village seasoned their alcohol with resin from Atlantic Pistachio trees. This ingredient was said to have healing properties, for example for infections, and was used as an early antibiotic. The village's Neolithic residents lived comfortably in spacious mud brick huts, and the archaeologist and his team found remnants of wine vessels in the kitchens of nearly all the dwellings. "Drinking wasn't just a privilege of the wealthy in the village," McGovern posits, and he adds that women drank their fair share as well. A Mysterious Inscription? In Iran of all countries, where alcohol consumption is now punishable by whipping, the American scientist found vessels containing the first evidence of prehistoric beer. At first he puzzled over the purpose of the bulbous vessels with wide openings found in the prehistoric settlement Godin Tepe. Previously known wine vessels all had smaller spouts. McGovern was also perplexed by crisscrossed grooves scratched into the bottoms of the containers. Could it be some kind of mysterious inscription? But back in the laboratory, he isolated calcium oxalate, known to brewers as an unwanted byproduct of beer production. Nowadays, breweries can filter the crystals out of their brew without any difficulty. Their resourceful predecessors, working 3,500 years B.C., scratched grooves into their 50-liter (13-gallon) jugs so that the tiny stones would settle out there. McGovern had discovered humankind's first beer bottles. The ancient farmers in Godin Tepe harvested barley from fields near the village and mashed the crop using basalt stone. Then they brewed the ground grain into a considerable range of varieties, enjoying a sweet, caramel-flavored dark beer, an amber-hued lager-like concoction, and other pleasant-tasting beverages. Around the same time, the Sumerians were paying homage to their fertility goddess Nin-Harra, whom they considered to be the inventor of beer. The creators of Mesopotamian civilization scratched instructions for brewing beer onto small clay tablets in Nin-Harra's honor. The main ingredient in their variety of beer was emmer, a variety of wheat that has since nearly disappeared. Thus the human project that started with the first hominids to stumble around under fruit trees reached completion with these prehistoric beer drinkers. "Moderate alcohol consumption was advantageous for our early ancestors," McGovern speculates, "and they adapted to it biologically." It is a legacy that still burdens humankind today. The archaeologist, however, sees himself as reasonably balanced in this respect. Ancestors on one side of his family, the McGoverns, opened the very first bar in their hometown of Mitchell, South Dakota. On the other side, however, an especially puritanical branch of the family originated from Norway and strictly avoided alcohol consumption. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2009 05:50PM by inspector hound.
It was said, wisely, I believe, by Humphrey Bogart, I read, that "the whole world is three drinks behind. Cheers and Feliz Navidad!!
"The trouble with the world is that it's always one drink behind" "The whole world is three drinks behind.If everyone in the world would take three drinks, we would have no trouble" Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2009 06:57PM by JLE.
Other Mexicans say this is a gringo sight and not a place for us here. I think that is right. I can not understand this english maybe. Feliz Navidad.
Old Greybeard knows nothing about Puerto Escondido. Yet he feels comfortable making statements about the subject, a true scholar.
Info1, Do you live in Puerto? If not why did you leave? Do you have anything positive or helpful to contribute to the forum? If not why do you post such ridiculous falsehoods about the area, its residents and the public officials? Enough is enough! Your type of posts are rotten to the core!
Like in your other anonymous posts. You have not a name to stand on. You can only fool the those who are unaware. Their area alot of smart people in Puerto and they silently await the prayers when some people are no longer free to commit crimes. Now come on spice be macho enough to tell us your real name. You can't because you are your worst enemy and cant even use it for the fear of what you have done in the past. Poor little hoodlum I will not answer any more of your posts because your not brave enought to back it up with your integrity that apparently no longer exists.
Integrity only exists in international bank transfers. What did that bank manager say? Sure for a "fee" it can be provided! Having a nice friend is good! The attorneys rejoice! LOL
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