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The new Canadian peso note.

Posted by • Enviado por oldgringo 
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The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 06:35AM
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 07:54AM
Putting a sombrero on that clown is an insult to Mexicans.
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 09:04AM
scott Wrote:
> Putting a sombrero on that clown is an insult to
> Mexicans.

You would prefer the outgoing Fuhrer?
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 10:02AM
No more loonie. This one should be called the Trudy.
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 10:19AM
At least the new Canadian leader believes in democracy, our planet having a future, and treating all citizens fairly, unlike the previous money and oil biased control freak.
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 10:39AM
As long as there's no "fuddle duddle"!
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 12:00PM
Well, I guess that everyone is entitled to an opinion but when our hard earned tax dollars are squandered on expensive jet flights that burn up horrendous amounts of fuel and six star hotels to meet with all these other so called experts to solve the so called global warming that they are contributing to in airconditioned conference halls in Paris, I have to shake my head in dismay. How much of a carbon footprint did they just leave? Where will all the revenues come from to pay the taxes required to fund this and other atrocities of our new democracy if we didn't have Alberta oil? I will guarantee that it won't come from taxes collected from our indiginous groups or immigrants any time soon. I'm not sure what it will take for people to pull their heads out of the sand, but I suspect they will finally see the light in a couple of years when there is not much left.
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 12:14PM
Great post bigbird I agree with you 100%, its too bad it will take 4 years to get rid of him.
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 01:01PM
I respectfully disagree.

It's my opinion that Mr. Trudeau will SAVE this country.

Justin Time, I say.....and the last election, (pardon me CORONATION), shows plainly that the overwhelming majority of Canadian voters agree.

He will make us PROUD to be Canadians again.

I won't be posting any more on this topic, as I feel that Tomzap is not the place to discuss Canadian politics.

Cheers, del Sol
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 01:22PM
del Sol Wrote:
> I respectfully disagree.
> It's my opinion that Mr. Trudeau will SAVE this
> country.
> Justin Time, I say.....and the last election,
> (pardon me CORONATION), shows plainly that the
> overwhelming majority of Canadian voters agree.
> He will make us PROUD to be Canadians again.
> I won't be posting any more on this topic, as I
> feel that Tomzap is not the place to discuss
> Canadian politics.
> Cheers, del Sol

Head in the sand, but your correct del Sol not the place to discuss. Not a Coronation simply typical CDN. voting. Don't vote good people in only hate votes to remove bad ones.
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 04:18PM
These comments are hilarious, but I agree, not the appropriate setting.
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 06:49PM
Oh no.....I get too many political opinions of Canada on Facebook from my brother and sister! Not on Tomzap as well?! lol!!! I'm just interested in learning more about Barra de Navidad, as I've never been there before. I appreciate all this input from all of you who are "connaisseurs" of Barra! Thank you so much!
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 08:05PM
Aah, but you all have it right. When the successful small business person pays more tax than they could ever earn as a Canadian citizen, as we did under the last administration, the rest of Canada will realize that it is not worth being successful and will revert to a socialist nation where we can all be supported by the most successful, and we'll all read 'Atlas Shrugged' again and wonder what it means. Stand on Guard for Thee. Bueno suerte.
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 09:25PM
Why don't all you rednecks, meet over at Bigotes and solve all the world's issues. Oil prices, interest rates, droughts, cost of goods, bla, bla, bla, Trudeau had absolutely nothing to do with any of it. Canada is at the mercy of all the big boys around it. Good idea, move this thread to Trip Advisor or somewhere else, useless. It may make more sense.
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
January 18, 2016 09:26PM
How many cups of whine needed for this thread?
Re: The new Canadian peso note.
March 18, 2016 10:14AM
sounding like the funny papers
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