IP/Host • IP/Ordenador: ---.prod-infinitum.com.mx Date Registered • Fecha de registro: 16 Posts • Mensajes: 6,346
Incredible EH…… (but indeed stylish!!).
Though, while the mandatory citizen autodefensas in Michoacán always had my vote, I would venture to predict that the article terribly misstated that “the Knights Templar has been gutted” in the area.
IP/Host • IP/Ordenador: ---.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net Date Registered • Fecha de registro: 18 Posts • Mensajes: 761
Considering the fate of far too many journalists in Mexico over the past few years, damned if I'd print an accurate biography were I in Mr. Gonzaez' shoes. The reader's right to know does not outweigh the safety of the editor nor that of his family.