Another story from another life...... In the late 1970's I was on an 18 week concert tour with a vocal/dance group. It's important to know this group had sold multi-millions of albums around the world, performed in front of tens of thousands of fans and were seen on TV a dancin' and a singin' in their cute costumes all around the globe. My job was not to watch the performance which was fine with me as I was not a real fan. When I did happen to watch a show I noticed something about the music and vocals just didn't seem right. I went back stage during the show and hhmm there was a five man chorus singing all the harmony and backing vocals. On stage the five costumed dancing boys microphones were turned off! Other than the lead vocalist all the other voices were mixed in from the backstage chorus. I had a good laugh and struggled through the rest of the tour. It just goes to show sometimes you need to look at what's real and what's an illusion. Often those putting on the loudest performance are relying on Artificial Intelligence. Jimmy
You got balls to try this when you SPAM the main forums with all your cute little come-on posts. Learn to live with your product rather than your mouth Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre
just a guess, your mouth is your product sparky? jim your, if its not to your doctor, viagra might be right sounds like an ad
Yo Aaron, Good work. I tried drug stimulation in the 60's, made me what I am today. Oh and thanks for reminding me, a lot of that is kind of a blur. J.
hay jim, your product is good. if i where sparky, i would see if i could exchange or get a refund. his product not so good.
Attack of the SPAM DUO .... very cute and a reason to never spend a peso in either Not missing anything I'm sure ..... 'cept maybe drummer. His spam I can take Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. Lo siento, sσlo puedes enviar mensajes si estαs registrado.