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The Spotlight On Universal Abuse

Posted by • Enviado por buzzardwest 
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The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
May 29, 2010 06:52AM
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
May 29, 2010 09:56AM
Thanks -

I enjoyed the song, but don't get the connection to the topic name.

Am I being dense...again?

Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
May 29, 2010 11:25AM
Not thinking here that anyone has ever considered you "dense", Linda.

Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
May 29, 2010 02:18PM
What's your point in posting this . . . and how does it affect life and tourism in the Barra de Navidad, Melaque, Villa ObregΓ³n and CihuatlΓ‘n area?
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 04:41AM
"This travel web site differs from most in that I try to present a complete picture of the area which includes both the good and the bad. So in addition to the "brochure level" information that you can find here and in most travel publications, you will find reports of crime activity, rebel activities, and dangerous surf. Additionally in the Visitors' Comments sections you will hear of some unpleasant experiences of travelers. Actually, the areas are quite safe and anyone who visits can expect to have a great time. The candid information that you will find here is provided to help make sure that you do."


Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 11:20AM
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 11:31AM
And how do the lyrics of a song that doesn't even mention Mexico fit the description of this forum which you posted, above.

And, since you're quoting, how about "The Visitors' Comments is for the exchange of information regarding the coastal and near-coastal regions of the Mexican states of Oaxaca, Jalisco, and Colima among visitors, potential visitors, local residents, armchair travelers, etc., etc."

How do your constant anti-American barbs fit into that description?

1,917 posts in 2 years?
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 05:05PM
re: "How do your constant anti-American barbs fit into that description?"

Amerika's insistent and pathetic attempts to enforce "The Wall of Shame", the Amerikan media focus on "What's Bad About Mexico", the Amerikan "Woodstock Economy" that has brought the world to it's knees and Amerika's reliance on drugs has had a devastating effect on Mexico, especially when it comes to the fear and the reluctance to "explore" the beauty, reality and differences of Mexico.

Hopefully, now that our blue eyed ancestors have "tarred and feathered" America's "unprotected" border coastal waters, the spotlight will shift.

Say ............................. there's an idea ..................................... why can't their US Interior Dept hire "temporary" workers for years to clean up the coast of Amerika and give citizenship to those that work for the next decade.

Meanwhile, thanks for asking and reading my posts and the door is always open and the Tetley is on for continued lively discussion.

Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 06:05PM
buzz...you ducked this guy's provacation...he wants to fight...you don't?
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 06:32PM
I've answered every question that has been asked, dry.

Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 07:27PM
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 07:37PM
Anyone can do what you do. The world is full of armchair critics.
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 07:59PM
Mr Anyone might say .. Mexico is not only for vacation

Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 08:57PM
well said, buzz - our sentiments exactly......
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 01, 2010 09:07PM
Cuidado chico de Tampa, van a ponerte en la lista de no deseados - de nuevo.


Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 02, 2010 06:32AM
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 02, 2010 03:45PM

Once again, abuse gets swept under the rug and the truth lies hidden.

THAT IS, the "Heart of a Lie" that permeates the sisterhood in Mexico and Latin America where advocacy is minimal and no one hears her cries.

Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
June 08, 2010 03:28AM
Aint' it amazin' ................................................ armchair critics are rearing their heads in ... AMERICA

"Elected officials nationwide are feeling their constituents' dissatisfaction. In the new Post-ABC poll, 69 percent of all Americans say they are either dissatisfied or angry with the government, and 60 percent say they are inclined to look for other candidates in November, the most ever in a Post-ABC poll. Disapproval dominates."


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2010 08:55AM by buzzardwest.
Re: The Spotlight On Universal Abuse
July 20, 2010 06:16PM

Although I have only made comments on that portion of AMERIKA that has attempted to bring Mexico to it's knees, such unamercans as "The Washington Post" and "Frontline', are making a frontal and full-scale attack on an American "institution" gone wild.




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