Those dammed spies fron Fourwren Affairs¡¡¡ " Hola, stevemcmanus1956: Recientemente, alguien trató de utilizar tu contraseña para acceder a tu cuenta de Google: (XXXXXXXXXXXXX) Evitamos el intento de acceso por si se trataba de un pirata que intentaba vulnerar tu cuenta. Consulta los detalles del intento de acceso: lunes 22 de julio de 2013 16H37' UTC Dirección IP: Ubicación: Tsentralnyy rayon, Volgograd, Volgograd Oblast, Russia Si no reconoces este intento de acceso, es posible que otra persona esté intentando vulnerar tu cuenta. Te recomendamos que accedas a tu cuenta y restablezcas tu contraseña de inmediato. Is UTC time Green witch mean time as well? Are we 5 haourrs ealier than UTC? Does it change with daylight savings time? Here's an e-mail I got a couple of weeks ago just after tomzap upped security. !I thought Nancy had sold my address¡¡¡ It's interesting but long. ?Whatever should I do about all this loot¿¿¿ Might be pretty long for you Kip¡¡¡ "ve trying to reach you !! Inbox x Tom Chan Jun 15 stevemcmanus1956 . Do I know you? SM On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 2:00 PM, Tom Chan <oseashe5@embarqm... Jun 15 Tom Chan <> Jun 16 to me TOM CHAN CHINA CONTRUCTION BANK BRANCH 200? Huaihai Middle Rd, Lu Wan Qu, Shanghai, China Hello Dear, It is understandable that you might be apprehensive because you do not know me but I have a lucrative business proposal of mutual interest to share with you. I am Tom Chan,Senior Manager at China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Ltd, 200? Huaihai Middle Rd, Lu Wan Qu, Shanghai, China. Recently, I discovered that an Account Owned by Scott Mounce - a relative of the governor of northern Iraq's Salahuddin province who was killed by a suicide bomber in Baghdad and also a businessman,He made a numbered fixed deposit for 12 calendar months, with a value of Ten Million, Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only(10.5M USD) into an account with my bank (China Construction Bank) branch here in Shanghai . Upon maturity, several notices were sent to him but there was no response. Consequently, another notification was sent and still no response came from him. We later found out that Scott Mounce - a relative of the governor of northern Iraq's Salahuddin province who was killed by a suicide bomber in Baghdad on a Sunday Afternoon. It was discovered that Scott Mounce did not declare any next of kin in his official papers, including the paper work of his bank deposit. The last time he came to my office, he confided in me that no one knew of this deposit in my bank. What bothers me most is that according to the laws of my country, at the expiration of six {6} years, the funds will be reverting to the ownership of the China Government, if nobody applies to claim it. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I will like to accost you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to Scott Mounce, so that you will be able to receive his funds. PREREQUISITE: I want you to know that all Procedure for the successful of this transfer to you as the new beneficiary have been mapped out and success is 100% sure. I have an attorney that will prepare the necessary documents that will back you up as the next of kin to Scott Mounce, all that is required from you is to provide me with your Full Names and Address, so that the attorney can commence his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will file for claims on your behalf and also secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favor for the Transfer of the funds to an account that will be provided by you. We are going to adopt a legalized method because the attorney will prepare all necessary documents in your favor. The basic requirement here is that as you will know I do not want to let my bank know I am behind the transfer so all our communications will be restricted to email. I want to make something clear to you, the fact that I am the Vice President and the Senior Manager of this branch does not guarantee the security of this transaction, whatever we are doing must be done under a very high level of confidentiality. We must pretend we do not know each other, you must never mention my name to any staff of my bank during and after this transaction. This is for our security and safety of this transaction. Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Once the funds have been transferred to your nominated bank account, we shall share in the ratio of 50% for me, 50% for you. On no account must you discuss this with anyone; whatever you want to ask me please do that by email and I will answer you immediately. The fund would be transferred through a more secured telegraphic wire transfer means with evidence proving the genuine source of the fund and you as the legitimate beneficiary of the fund and no government agency can stand against it. With my experience as a banker in financial matters, I will handle this. I sent you this mail not without a measure of uncertainty as to what the consequence entails. Should you be interested, please send me your: Full Names ,Age ,Address, and Country,Telephone and Fax numbers.Finally,I shall furnish you with more information’s about this operation. Your Prompt response to this letter will be appreciated. Kind Regards Tom Chan" I got a chain of letters because I baited him. His English got a lot worse with the second long letter no much different than the above. I guess this is what I get for putting my e-mail on an internet forum. I have less than haf dozen regular spammers and nothing else. One time I couldn't reply to a threatening letter from my government. I'm searching for that now too.
Don't worry, I heard he moved to Liberia.
Get a frickin grip Witch .... next we'll hear about your bathroom activities Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2013 07:20PM by sparks.
It would be nice to know why google has told me two days in a row now to change my password because, if it wasn't me in two different parts of Easten Europe yesterday and today trying to access my account, someone was trying to get in. The first one I posted was supposedly an attempted break in from Russia. today it was somewhere near there. Has this happened to anyone else. It has not to me. I know very little about computers really. I've had the bank ask me if I was in Mexico when I was and never had any suspicious anything in my life on the computer sparks. Is this a trampa too? Anybody know about these things or seen them. the 350 Million for me in Hong Kong was interesting too because, I never get spam because I seldom join anything I don't know that requires me to give my e.mail address. I get daily mailings from 2 US companies I have bought from and nothing else in the way of spam but this obvious attempt to get personal information like access to my bank account details to send me 350 mils was a surpise. Nothing like it has ever been sent to me. I've read about those. I found it interesting and I got a total of 3 letters. I sent a copy to the FBI computer fraud thing. I just don't know how they got my address. The G.mail too has me puzzled but I'm not paranoid, have a very bad gripe (head and chest cold) and I would very much appreciate anyone's opinion of how why either of these 'new to me' things happened and how could someone in Russia be trying to get at my e-mail.(???) I made some commentary about Snowden in a Canadian on line newspaper¿¿¿ I'm not at all losing my grip Sparks. Several of you are attempting to get me ranting and ot's not working but I'm too tired after my second day of "Let's push Chris Roberts off the edge he's on". Again, I'm simply trying to solve a mystery and haven't lost control of anything. I would appreciate some information over criticism. there's a reason I ask some computer questions here. It often works for me. I don't speak computer in English and my operating system is Espanol computer language. I can't find spell check in my Gmail or on my MS word 7, which I can't read at all, unlike some news stoties and such. Youshould no better than to complain about me and my input sparks. You're just asking for a fight and I got no dog in this fight or any other. It looks like I won't be leaving the house much this week so if you want to keep up this useless and immature bun fighting over whatever it is, I have plenty of time on my hands. I've got a nasty cod actually. Have a good night sparks. I'd love to hear your opinion about why I'm suddenly getting these e-mail account break in. I take that seriously. Maybe it's nothing. I put it up in hopes someone would lnow and share. Maybe you should take the week off tomzap sparky¡¡¡
Repeat: " Meds time " !!!
And to think TomZap would EVER become boring and blah....ever walk down the street and notice Mexicanos giving you "The Eye". It's because some folks speak Spanish and entertainment spreads and spreads and spreads, oh so far and wide. You wouldn't believe how far some of these gringo adventures crawl...
Maybe our Steve-arino is honing his typing skills? My diagnosis, is, he is lonely, insecure, and just plain old bored. Meds could definitely play a roll in the situation. As another member said, thanks to him, for gobbling up megabytes or whatever those things are called, for us having to sign in to see anything. Thanks, Steve! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. • Lo siento, sólo puedes enviar mensajes si estás registrado.