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Gov. America and Canada

Posted by • Enviado por Crutch Dave 
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Gov. America and Canada
January 15, 2013 03:59PM
Not looking for answers, just venting.
I don't know about the rest of the world and if the situation is the same anywhere. I put in my 30 years and paid higher taxes being self employed than some pay working for the man. I just got my 1.7 % increase in income and a 4 % increase in my medicare deduction monthly.
Not being a mathematical genius when I hit the calculator I figured that I am paying more for free food and Bennie's for half of Mexicans in America. I just do not get it! How is it that the working man in Canada or America pays a higher price with less return ?
The system needs change in the benefit of those that have and still pay the dues?
Re: Gov. America and Canada
January 15, 2013 04:23PM
if i were you dave i would drop the medicare part b if you live down here year around, as you can get imss which is about the same as medcare in the states and you cant use medcare down here, the only problem is you have to go into a ss office in the states anywhere will do and just tell them you are opting out, you then will get a increase in your monthly ss check, good luck
Re: Gov. America and Canada
January 15, 2013 04:56PM
I agree to a point.
I have thought about dropping part b. That would be $104 a month. For whatever here. But if what?

I have watches three people die here because of lack of care and consideration from the staff. You will get good care with money here but when it comes down to it?

Use your card and go to an IMSS hospital and see that if you are a Mexican things are different.
Just a fact! If I need, I was in a serious situation I need the option to return to my country and Family.

1.7% Hum?
Re: Gov. America and Canada
January 15, 2013 05:59PM
Crutch Dave Wrote:

> Not being a mathematical genius when I hit the
> calculator I figured that I am paying more for
> free food and Bennie's for half of Mexicans in
> America.


Who's Bennie and why are you paying for free food for 1/2 the Mexicans in US??? You must have a pretty good pension and big heart. I thought Mexicans went to US to work. They will soon be welcomed and then sought by US butt likely will have a better life here where people don't hate them for who they are.
Re: Gov. America and Canada
January 15, 2013 11:26PM
Crutch Dave Wrote:

> Not being a mathematical genius when I hit the
> calculator I figured that I am paying more for
> free food and Bennie's for half of Mexicans in
> America.

More water, less tequila. and wean yourself OFF tomzap....
Re: Gov. America and Canada
January 16, 2013 05:29PM
Whats up with that remark elke? And what does it have to do with my post? Fact of the matter is that a 1.7 % increase is a joke. The typical family of Mexican descent living in the Denver area get government subsidized housing rates, food stamps and free health care. They work well as a family living cheaper than a lot of retired Americans. Do you think not that a 1.7% COST OF LIVING INCREASE IS A BIT SHORT OF THE ACTUAL INCREASE OF THE COST OF LIVING? Drinking virgin orange juice if it matters. And I don't really care!
Re: Gov. America and Canada
January 16, 2013 08:15PM
Cuidado Dave ... the 'don't get it crowd' is not worth dealing with

Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre
Re: Gov. America and Canada
March 18, 2013 05:47AM
all you have to do is think about it, if you live in poor country and see or read about all the freebies given to you in usa, wouldnt you try to get there, not many nob citizens live in poor countries unless their family is rich and they want to feel good about themselves by token handouts
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